34- Carly

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"Can you put me down yet?" I groaned out.
Many different people walked past, looking up at me with strange expressions plastered on all of their faces.
"Now what would the fun be in that?" he mocked.
"I am wearing a dress! And people are looking at me funny," I grumbled, resting my head on his back in defeat.
"I'll take over from here," Jack said his voice hoarse and dry.
His firm hands wrapped around my waist lifting me off of my brothers shoulders, he turned me towards him, kissing my cheek gently.
"Princess, would you like a piggy back?" He asked irresistibly.
My cheeks burned at being called Princess, a strange sensation I was never going to get used too. Jack so far had to be one of the most charming guys I have ever met in my life, he was always seemed to surprise me. Looking up at him, I nodded my head tugging at the skin on the bottom corner of my lip.
"Man, I have never seen you so whipped by a girl Jack," Johnson joked playfully, making a slight whipping sound.
"Shut up," Jack chuckled, brushing my bangs out of my face.
"Hurry up guys!" Shawn whined, stopping on the sidewalk.
The sun was setting and the sky was now a multi-colored sunset, with an ombred dark blue off in the distance. The tall buildings of Dallas trapping most of the city in a powerful glow of different shades of light, the street poles lighting up the over used sidewalks, and giant advertisement bored flashing different images over and over. This city was beautiful, definitely a sight worth seeing. The streets flood with cars, and bright yellow taxi's.
"How about I walk on my own two feet?" I suggest sarcastically.
"Sure thing," Jack smiled seductively, taking my hand in his.

We walked further down the busy streets, stopping at a large green park. A grey steel sign hung over the entrance 'Klyde Warren Park' was printed in black bold lettering. So they had decided too take me to a park, well this was going to be interested. We walked deeper into park reaching an area filled with food trucks, and strange white bent over poles that lined the pathways. They looked almost like saber tooth teeth, all lined up in rows as a marker for the path. Old fashioned light posts, you know the one that were black and thick and only about the average height as a normal person. Were placed every 5 teeth. Lime green tables, and chair lined up everywhere. A small water park seemed too be off in the distance.

"Why are we here?" I questioned curiously.
"For some killer food," Hayes exclaimed, walking towards on of the large food trucks.
"I should have guess," I said smiling, watching all of the boys run off too different trucks.
"You coming?" Jack asked, releasing my hand.
"Yah, one sec," I said smiling, looking back at Cameron.
Jack nodded his head and went to stand beside Johnson at one of the trucks. I walked closer towards him, our eyes meeting each other. He looked like a sad lost puppy, he stared up at me with his large brown eyes, that glistened either from the tears that welled in his eyes or from the bright light posts. I stood in front of him for a few seconds before collapsing into his body, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into his chest.
"For?" He asked lowly.
"Well for walking away, for falling in love with you, for putting you through all this," I whispered on, "I think I am happy with Jack. But Cameron I would really love if we could actually be just friends, I know you say there is no chance for us. But their is one as my friend."
"Yes," his voice trembled, and his grip tightened around my body.

We sat for a few moments clinging onto each other, like lovers who wouldn't meet again for a long time. One of those goodbye hugs that last forever and neither party wanted to let go. But this was only a goodbye of our past, and a hello too the future we will get too spend together.
"Come on, we should get back," I suggested, breaking off the hug.
"Yah," he said smiling, wiping a few tears from his cheeks.
I walked up too one of the Taco trucks, ordering myself a soft shell and fountain pop before joining the rest of the group who had found large lime green circular table. The boys munched down on all their different types of food, smiling and laughing. I sat down beside Jack placing my head on his shoulder, and kissing his neck softly.
"So why'd you have too talk to Cam?" Jack asked, taking a bite out of a delicious looking burger.
"We just made a truce," I said smile, sipping on my fountain pop.

A/n - I am so torn between Cameron and Jack guys.. I even have feels with this book.

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