75- Cameron

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"I'd like you to meet our son, his next ultrasound is booked in for February 12th. 2 months from now, and yes you do deserve to be in our baby's life. You deserve to be the father I know you can be Cameron. But I am not ready for 'us' to be together, or you know on speaking terms yet. You will be updated on him, but please don't make this harder than it already is Cameron..."

I starred deeply into my phone reading the words over and over in my head. A picture of an ultrasound placed perfectly under the comforting message. This was my beautiful baby boy. As much as it wasn't the greatest text message to receive it was still a start, and a start was better than being ignored every damn day. This was my beautiful child.

"Hey! Someone is finally smiling, what's going on man?" Jack's familiar voice ask curiously.

"Well for starters, I am the proud dad of a healthy baby boy," I practically squealed in excitement.

"What! Man that is amazing, congrats," Jack cooed.

Jack was grinning from ear to ear. It was a little strange how he had been acting the last few days, it's almost like nothing happened between us. After our little episodes, we realized to was pointless to hate each other and grieve alone, or we could be there for each other, and understand that we both were hurt. But I think Jack realized he was never going to be the one Carly chose, but then again I don't think she is going to chose any of us in the long run. Carly has some problems that she needs to work out, and I think this time away from us is definitely something that she needed. And both me and Jack knew it too. But again I can't blame all of this on Carly. I made it pretty hard for her to resist all of this sexiness.

Handing my phone to Jack, he took it gently. He read the words carefully, and smiled widely.

"This is definitely a start man. You will be an amazing father," Jack's said calmly, warmth and reassurance in his voice, "But I'll see you at supper, you should tell the guys."

I gave a small head nod, plopping myself down on the faux leather couch in the rehearsal room. Was this something to reply too? Would she want me telling people? Dozens of questions flashed through my head. What if something happens to the baby, and I am nothing there to help her? What is she goes into labor and I am in a different continent? Like hell am I missing the birth of my son. And what about names, and everything parents are supposed to agree on together--

"Cameron Dallas!" Nash shouted, from across the hallway.

"What!" I groaned out in annoyance.

"Get you ass over here!" Nash's voice was harsh.

I rolled my eyes, peeling myself off the couch and lazily walking over to the rehearsal room that Hayes and Nash were practicing in. My eyes scanned my surrounding, realizing Nash was joking around. He looked pissed.

"How fucking dare you!" He growled angrily.

"What the fuck man?" I asked, puzzled.

"You knocked up my sister. You know I have always been team Dallas. But are you that dense that you don't know how to use a fucking condom. And here I thought you and Jack were fighting because she didn't choose either of you. No. You were literally fucking his girl behind his back, and you didn't even have the respect to use protection. You know I thought you were an asshole Cameron. But this is a new low even for you," Nash hissed words of venom.

His words tore into me, like hot blade.

"I love her Nash..." I whimpered out softly.

"I get that, but what you did Cameron. No. What both of you did is unforgivable. You two deserve each other," Nash growled out, a look of disgust on his face, "Hayes, let's go."

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