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'Why do I even care so much what Cameron thinks'

I thought too myself endlessly as I laid in my bed, crying over what he said. Everything replayed in my head over and over. Why do I care so much. I hate that I still have feelings for him over all of these years; I hate that all I have ever tried to be is good enough for him. I don't get why he hates me so god damn much that it physically repels him too like him.


1 new message

Princess? Hayes is back. Where are you?? - Jack

Staring down at the message, I stared at his name for what felt like hours. I have no reason not to be with him anymore maybe it was for the best. He did call me princess and seemed like he genuinely cared about me. I've never really been into anyone and I mean no one. Sure I have been asked out before but I have never thought of boys. And my best friend Scott has confessed his undying love for me countless time but I always tell him we are better off friends. It's time too move on from Cameron; He's never going to feel the same.

I replied to Jack quickly, and quickly fixed my makeup before going back to Nash's room. At least I didn't have to worry about running into Cam until morning. I highly doubt he would be making an appearance. Walking back into Nash's room quietly my spot beside Jack was still unoccupied and they had turned on a different movie. Sitting down I instantly wrapped myself around Jake and smiled. He wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head.

"You are so beautiful Carly Grier," He whispered resting his head on top of mine.

I smiled engulfing myself in him, If it had to be anyone I am glad I met him.

"I have an idea!" Nash cried out once the movie had ended.

"Nash you sound like an excited 12 year old," Taylor rolled his eyes.

"At least I don't look like one. Boom!" Nash replied smugly.

"You two are both twelve," Shaun sighed.

Both boys sat back pouting, and I began to chuckle at how childish they were.

"I command you too stop laughing," Taylor mocked in deep voice.

"Oh really," I giggled.

"I said quit it, why does no one take me serious," he began to pout again.

"Okay. Nash what was you plain?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh right! Let's go swimming," he smirked widely, "Last one there has to do what ever I say!"

He then flew out of the room, and when I say flew I mean my brother jumped up so fast and booked it you'd swear he was a track and field star even though he can't even walk up a flight of stairs without panting for 5 minutes. We all began to follow, we all split up going to each of our rooms to put on our bathing suits. Wait. Didn't Nash forget his? Searching through my suitcase I found my turquoise triangle bikini, stripped and put it on. Walking out of my room, there was no one in the halls. Hurrying too the pool I was excited to be one of the first people done. But there sat in the pool was every boy waiting on me. Damn.

"Last ones a rotten egg," Nash shouted.

Walking through the pool doors it was incredibly humid. I began to tie my hair up in a bun, and walk towards the pool.

"How are you guys so fast?" I questioned, sitting on the edge of the pool dipping my toes in.

"Because we as men are superior," Taylor said holding a hand on his hand for dramatic effect.

"Retard," Carter grumbled, slapping him.

"Ow," Taylor whines.

Chuckling slightly, "So Nash what is it I have too do?"

"Well Shawn needs someone to do a duet with him for our next show, and it's a one time deal. But I volunteer you," He said grinning ear to ear.

"Hamilton Nash Grier! You are a bastard," I yelled splashing water on him, "You set me up."

"Actually we all did," Taylor piped up, receiving another slap from Carter.

"Idiot. You aren't supposed too tell her," Carter groaned rolling his eyes.

The door slammed behind us and our attention was all turned to the two figures standing at the door entrance. Cameron and some girl.

"Hey, about time you join us!" Nash yelled in Cam's direction.

"Jack want to go to the hot tub?" I asked quickly.

"Sure," he smiled following me as the boys all made kissing noises.

The hot tub reeked of Chlorine and was definitely too hot, but the last thing I needed was to be smack dab in the middle of that crowd. Taking in a few short breaths, I looked over at Jack. He was beautiful. Thick chestnut hair, the most beautiful shade of brown eyes, and that smile I couldn't help but smile when I looked at him. He was absolutely gorgeous there was nothing doubting that. Reaching out I placed one hand around his neck and the other palm down on his chest. I stared into his eyes and we both slowly moved in. You know that moment when a guy is going to kiss you when he just gives you that look. The look: come on girls, You all know what I am talking about. The look of how you know he wants too kiss you or he's about too. The look that is a perfect blend of sexy and adorable. The one that makes you heart race, and butterflies too erupt. You lips tremble waiting to be kissed. When you see his eyes move down slower to your lips and he does that completely adorable lip bite. That moment where they spend eons of time to kiss you when you wait so patiently. This wasn't one of them. I bit my lip slowly looking up into his eyes slowly, and very softly and carefully I placed my lips on his. But this time I didn't feel those sparks as before. What I felt was something better, I felt comfort and belonging.


A/N - 3 updates in one day guys. I hope you enjoy that I have made the chapters longer :)

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