42- Carly

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My head rested on Jacks lap, his fingers running through my curly hair gently. Shawn sat to the left of me peacefully sleeping, most likely extremely exhausted from last night's show and staying up most of the night at his parent's place. Meeting his parents was definitely interesting, Karen and Manuel were everyone's ideal parents. That couple who looked like they were absolutely in love with each other, and were that picture perfect family. So happy and full of life, something not everyone seemed to have. Cameron sat in the front seat of the black truck, staring out deeply at the moving scenery. I looked over at him, analyzing him carefully, what always went on in that head of his? He came from such a broken home, and we practically rubbed it in his face all those years of having such an amazing family. While we all had a mother who would kiss our foreheads before bed, he was sleeping on our couch because no one cared about him. Never take what you have for granted, because no matter what you never realize how much it means to you until it's gone.

I turned my head looking up at Jack, his eyes glued to his phone. After the night before things weren't exactly the same with us... Not necessarily in a bad way but it was exactly a good way either. He seemed so clingy now. Almost like he was absolutely afraid to leave my side as if I was a lost puppy who wasn't able to to find my way home. I stared up at him in 'awe' the way his god-like appearance always seemed to amaze me. The way his defined jaw line clenched every time he focused deep into something, and the way his lips always curved into his famous Gilinsky smile. He looked down at me causing me to stare backing, lovingly, into his beautiful brown eyes. Outlined by long, full eyelashes, his whole look, gave me the urge to love him, and somehow I could see the love in his eyes as he stared back at me. His pearly white teeth exposed as he smiled widely at me.

"Hello--," he mumbled out, placing his phone down beside him.

"I am bored," I whined pouting slightly.

"And I am in love," he breathed out, his eyes still staring into mine.

My cheeks grew hot, flustered at his words and actions. God-- this boy had such a strange effect on me. The way he always seemed to create crazy amounts horrific knots in my stomach, and how just one look and the flash of a smile, my legs were like jello. I was like play-doh in his hands and he wasn't even aware of it. Is it even possible for someone to be in love with two people? Maybe it wasn't that I felt for Cameron after all, and it was just a silly childhood crush.

"And I said hey there pretty brown eyes, What you doin' later tonight? Would you mind if I spend time with you?" I winked at Jack, singing ridiculously.

I sat up quickly, giving him a quick kiss before cuddling back into his body, my arm wrapped around his torso and my head buried into his neck.

"You are so adorable," he squealed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder tightly. Squeezing me closer to him.

I giggled into his chest, yawning tiredly. It was way too early to be awake and there was a fairly long travel to one of our final destinations before the boys got a week off. It was going to be weird actually getting to know the boys and spend some time with them when it wasn't mostly in a hotel room or a vehicle where half of us were always separated. I was also excited to get to see more of Jack's life and getting to know Johnson a little better. I definitely did not want him thinking that I was trying to steal his best friends away from him. My lids began to close and I drifted away into a deep sleep, snuggled into my boyfriend's chest.

A/n- Thank you all for being so patient. Sorry the chapters have been lacking lately, just trying to keep my motivation to keep this story flourishing and I don't want to disappoint. I love all of you! Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback, and for everyone who enjoys this book. Also Happy birthday too me.

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