7- Carly

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"Wake up sleepy head," his voice sending warmth through my body. He hasn't woken me up like this in ages.

I can feel his hot breath on my neck, his fingers tickling my sides just like when we were kids. Opening my eyes, Cam was leaning over from his seat with a huge smile on his face.

"Cam?" I questioned quickly, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes?" he cocked his head to the side sitting back into his seat.

"Uhm, nothing. Where is everyone?"

"Pit stop, boys were whining they needed a pee did you anything the store?" His voice was calm and he smiled scrunching his nose.

Tilting my head slightly, my eyes filled with confusion. Why was he being so nice too me?

"A drink maybe if that is alright," I responded playing my nails.

"Coming right up, I'll get your favorite," He chirped, getting out of the car and walking towards the store just as jack and jack came jumping out there arms full of snacks.

"Dude, that cashier was an asshole" Johnson exclaimed plopping himself in the back seat, allowing his snacks to explode all over the back seat.

"Maybe, it's because you bought the entire store," I chuckled, joking.

Moments later, Cameron returned with a Pepsi handing it too me. A grin stained to his porcelain face.

"Thank you," I whispered talking a sip.

"No problem, Cal."

"Princess, we're here." I felt his touch on my shoulder jolting me awake. Eyes wide I looked up at the large building, thousands of girls surrounding the doors. Colorful outfits and huge signs. Anything to get noticed I suppose.

"You sleep a lot, Cal. I don't think it's normal" He chuckled, moving away from the SUV door running his fingers through his hair.

Avoiding his questions, still looking at the crowd of girls. My nerves getting to me, making knots erupt in my stomach.

"There's so many," I whispered slightly, looking into his bug brown eyes, "What if they all hate me?"

"Princess, how could anybody hate you? And if they do they are probably just jealous. Just take my hand and follow me," his voice was soothing, unlike Cameron's. His hurtful words yet kind actions still playing in my mind. Jack laid out his hand, lacing my fingers with his. I picked up my purse and Pepsi, and began walking closer too the crowd of screaming vultures. Cameron and Nash were already surround in screaming girls, soaking up the attention, I gave a slight chuckling looking at my brother so happy being a retard with Cameron. As me and Jack walked closer the screams grew louder and now the attention seemed to be on us, even Cameron was staring. This strange look in his eyes. Many girls had signs confessing there love for Jack. They all seemed like a swarm of insects, leeching their way towards us, there screams and words sounding like buzzing in my ears. Few of the girls were still calm talking to Nash and the other boys, the others all seemed to be crazy and seemed like they couldn't control themselves. I never knew the boys were this popular with the ladies, I knew they had fans. But not like this.

"What's he doing with that whore?"

"Are they a thing?"

"What is it doing?"

"She's so ugly."

"Isn't that Nash's sister?"

Everything happened so fast, the girls seemed to turn on me. Shouting insults and questioning me. His grip grew tighter as we pushed through the girls, security couldn't keep back. I felt my hair being tugged back, before I was on the ground. A sharp pain rushed through my head, I opened my eyes and Nash was by my side picking me up in his arms. Looking back I seen security dragging a long black haired girl away screaming, "Stay away from my man."

"Cal!? Are you okay? Sister I am so sorry," Nash sounded worried.

"I am okay," giving a smile of reassurance, "You can put me down now."

"Not, going to happen. You are bleeding pretty bad," He gasped laying me down on chair in the lobby, moving his hand from my head, his once pale skin now a crimson color.

Sitting up, I touched my head pulling my fingers to inspect. There was a lot of blood.

"I feel fine. Nothing a cold cloth can't fix," Giving another reassuring smile.


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