38- Carly

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"Please let me explain Carly," he pleaded, his eyes begging for my patience.

"I have no reason too be mad, it was before you even knew me. But that still doesn't make it hurt any less," I mumbled starring down at the photo.

I scanned the photo long fully, taking in every detail. The way their lips locked together made me queasy thinking of his lips touching someone else. His hand cradling her face, he looks so... into it. He was supposed to be mine, and he was kissing his ex-girlfriend only a day before he was flirting with me and making me feel incredibly special. Only two days from the first time he kissed me.. taking my kiss virginity. Was I really just the rebound girl to help him get over his ex-girlfriend? Black bold words hovered over the photo only making the situation worse; 'How are my sloppy seconds?'

"Carly. How was I supposed to know I was going to meet someone like you? How could I have possibly known I would meet someone who could mean more too me than anything in this entire damn world," he sighed running his long fingers through his hair, he looked up at me starring at me deeply, "How could I have known I would so madly in-"

"Stop!" I commanded "Do not finish that sentence Gilinsky. This isn't one of those fan fiction bullshit situations. I swear to god if you confess your undying love too me just because you got caught being a whore you're an asshole."

I ripped my black sweater off the chair beside my bed, slipping it over my body, and angrily storming out of my hotel room. Who does he think he is? Did he really think he could just say the 'L' word and I would miraculously fall head over heels for him? Say it back and have an intense make out session with him and probably give up my virginity. Fuck that. I walked down the long hallway, exiting through the indoor pool door. The crystal clear water exploded white beams of light in the room dark room. Waves of white danced on the walls swaying gently, the white lights on the bottom of the cement pool creating this elegant scenery. I inhaled deeply taking in the wet watery smell and chlorine. It's weird how peaceful a room can be with out a bunch of people screaming and splashing water everywhere. The waterslide was still turned on, the water splashed into the water violently creating ripples in the farthest corner of the pool. I took a few steps closer dipping my toes into the water.

"What have I gotten myself into," I whispered too myself.

"Can't sleep either?" A low voice spoke beside me.

"Nope, why can't you?" I turned my head looking up at my familiar brothers face; Nash.

"Homesick," he said quickly, kneeling down and sitting crossed legged in front of the waters edge.

I sat down beside him, "You still get homesick?"

"Of course I do. I miss all of you so much Carly. I honestly love that you are here with me, it makes it sort of easier. Now why can't you sleep?" He said slowly starring out at the water.

His exotic blue eyes seemed to glow like a pair of cat's eyes in the light of the pool, the reflection of the water waved in his eyes, creating the look of a cloudless day hovering over a deep Caribbean sea. His skin almost creating the effect of water and sand clashing together, his dark long eyelashes also happened too look like every girls dream. Like this kid don't need no mascara or fake eyelash extensions he had enough to at least share with me.

"Jack. If you haven't checked social media. I have recently learned some interesting things about him," I grumbled out, still a little irritated by the picture that was burned in the back of my eyelids.

"Oh yah I had seen Madison's little escapade. You two still on good terms?" He asked curiously, crossing his arms.

"I mean at this very moment, It wouldn't be classified as good terms we are on but I think we will be fine in all honesty," I groaned tossing my hair back gently, "I just needed some times you know?"

"In all honesty. I am still on team Dallas," he looked over at me a mischievous smirk on his lips.

I blinked slowly at him in disbelief, did he really know about us? or was he just hoping something would happen between us.

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