71- Carly

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        It's been exactly 92 days since Cameron and Jack left to continue back on with their tour, 92 days since everything between us went to complete and utter shit. Things weren't supposed to end that way at all. My mind played the night over in my head like it was yesterday.

"What the fuck is this Carly?" Jack's voice was raised.

He held up the pregnancy test that was once buried away in the small black trash bin.

"Please. Jack I can explain?" I pleaded.

"Explain what? We are together. You told me you were a virgin. We haven't slept together. So you clearly fucking cheated what is there to explain?" His raised voice, lowered.

Soft tears streamed down his face.

"Jack-" My voice cracked, "I never wanted to hurt you."

"Well that is exactly what you did. God! I thought you were better than her.." His body crashed onto the bed, his palms pressed to his face.

His words tore into my flesh as if there was a knife carving at my skin. He was hurt.

"I love you Jack. But I love someone else too. I know that makes me a selfish human being. That is why I can't be with either of you. I am so sorry Jack-- I hurt you and there is nothing I can ever do to take it back," my voice croaked out.

"Who's is it?" He asked silently.


"Who's fucking child is it Carly!" He got up screaming in my face.

"It will only make you hate him," my voice begged him to stop.

He cocked his head looking up at me, his tear eyes were red with anger.

"I fucking knew it. I am going to fucking kill him," Jack snarled.

"Jack... Please," I begged, stepping towards him.

I reached my arms out towards him, barely touching his chest with my finger tips. He looked at me confused, angry, and hurt... I walked slower to him, pressing my palm against his chest and leaning in closer to him. He was angry, but he didn't stop me. My heart was beating fast, my chest threatening to rip open at the speed of it. My arms wrapped out his torso slowly, and my face was pressed against his chest. He hesitated but gave in. Engulfing me in his grasp.

"I know what I did can never be forgiven Jack, but I will try. I will try to fix us. I love you--"

"Just stop blubbering. Just one more good night..." he chocked on his softly, "Just give me one last night of you and me. No him. No pregnancy. We can continue to hate each other tomorrow."

I nodded my head tears staining his t-shirt, he wrapped around my tighter, his body shaking from his cries.

We laid in bed for hours that night. He kissed me and held me but he didn't speak. He never said anything when he woke up that morning and left, everything that surrounded me with him now gone. And for Cameron? I told him the truth. I told him that I lied to him, and I was really pregnant. I told him that Jack knew... but what he didn't like was when I told him we couldn't be together either. He needed to live his life, his tour with his friends was a lot more important than sticking by some pregnant chicks side.

My thoughts were disrupted by the sound of the school bell ringing signifying that lunch time was over and classes were ready to processed again. Could you have imagined that this is how things would have ended between all of us. Hatred, lies, and betrayal. Who would have thought I would be 3 months pregnant, walking down my old high school hallway. We were all broken... and only time would tell if it would heal us or not.

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