54- Carly

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"But princess," Jack whined, pounting into the camera on his phone.

"No. You are so weird!" I giggled out, starring hard at Jack's complexion.

My smile faded, and my nose got that tingly feeling when I was about to cry.

"I miss you," I sighed out.

"Words can't begin to express how much this separation is killing me. The fear physically pains me that you aren't going to be satisfied this way, it's a lot to get used too," He froze looking away from the camera letting out a long sigh, "I don't want to make any mistake with you."

"Babe. We'll be fine. I promise," I smiled up at him biting on the corner of my lip.

"You know you'd think the author of your story was obsessed with lip biting with how much you are always chewy on those gorgeous lips of yours," he let out a funny chuckle.

"That's ridiculous. I do it out of habit," I chuckled back at his nonsense.

"Oh hey! Aaron wanted me to tell you that he was going to be in town with his girlfriend Claire and he would love for you guys to meet," he said quickly, fiddling with a few things on his side of the call.

"You guys sure you aren't trying to set me up?" I asked cocking my head and raising a brow.

"Of course not! Just she is a girl and you know you guys can be potential best friends,"


"Just give her a chance," Jack pleaded, "Plus it would make things easier when you come on tour with us again. That way I don't have to be so worried about the guys going after you."

Sweetheart. The only thing you had to be afraid of was Cameron making my life a living hell. For the past few days he hasn't even come back home. He won't answer any of his phone calls not even a single text. Almost at the point were trying to find a way to contact Sierra would be easier. Because not even her brother knows her cell number half the time or where she even freaking lives on this god forsaken planet. That was the bare minimum that I knew about Cameron's life. Because I still remember the glazed over eyes boy who came to my brother for help his everything up and vanished. I may have been eavesdropping to my brother and Cameron's conversation but in reality who wouldn't have been curious. The infamous Cameron Dallas letting his soft side show to someone was definitely a rare things back then.

"Princess?" Jack asked annoyed.

"Yes?" I shook my head looking back at Jack.

"I feared I had lost you into another reality," He chuckled, "Princess I have to go for supper with my family. Just promise me you will text Aaron."

"Yes-- yes I will. I love you," I cooed, starring into his soft brown eyes.

"I love you too."

The screen flashed away and I was left starring at nothing but a Skype menu, I wished he was here with me. Seeing the person you loved over a screen and not in reality was definitely a lot more painful and made you miss them so much more. I'd give anything to be in his arms, to have them just grasp me and hold me tight. And too feel the way his lips pressed against mine again, his soft cherry flavored lips. I was stupid to fall in love with someone who would always feel like they are a million miles away. I scrolled through the contacts in my phone deciding maybe meeting Aaron's girlfriend could be a good thing. Sending him a quick text and rolling out of bed. Mom's cooking smelled amazing, and I definitely had to go check it out.

"Mom!" I called walking down the house staircase.

No one responded. That was strange.

I walked toward the kitchen looking at supper sitting on the stove, the rice burned to the bottom of the frying pan. I looked out the patio door and there stood my mom and dad. And they looked as if they were fighting.. And I mean fighting bad. I've never seen them so much as bicker with each other. My mother's face was filled with tears. And my father seemed to be making aggressive hand shakes any yelling. What was with my family lately. First Hayes... Now this. Curiosity got the best of me again and I decided to creep toward the window and listen in-- little did I know that was huge mistake.

"I can't believe you cheated on me," My mothers frail broken voice echoed inside my head.

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