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Carly Grier [ 6 years later ]

"Jack," I shouted, stumbling over the the mountains of legos and toys, "What have you done."

"Uh oh. You're home early," Jack chuckled rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Uncle!" James and Marcus both shouted in unison before latching onto either one of Jack's leg.

"How'd everything go?" Jack questioned while attempting to pry the 4 year old boy from his legs.

"A healthy little girl," I smiled widely, holding my hands over my protruding belly.

"You hear that boys you're going to be getting a new baby sister," Jack shouted happily.

"That's gross," The twins shouted in unison, scurrying away as fast as there tiny legs could carry them. It seems like only just yesterday the two little stinkers were born.

"How did you guys even pull this off. I was gone for barely two hours," I murmured, waddling into the kitchen my hand resting on my warm belly. After two pregnancies I still can't get over the maternal feeling inside me. The need to protect her at all costs.

"I can't believe you're seven month pregnant already, it goes by so fast but I'm glad you took my advice and found out the gender so we can paint the nursery and be prepared," Jack started rambling, avoiding my question, and already stressing about baby number three.

"Jack take a deep breath, I am so grateful that you help out as much as you do, but you don't have to take it all on," I chuckled grabbing a ginger ale from the fridge. I grabbed a straw from the drawer beside the stainless steel fridge.

"Ginger ale with a straw is not going to help your gas or make the morning sickness go away," Jack groaned, taking the drink from my hand.

I watched as he poured it into a glass cup and used a straw to stir away the carbonation before handing it back to me.

"You and Cameron should be married. You are both so impossible, " I teased, taking a sip of the ginger ale.

"You're just jealous that your husband spent more time with," Jack teased, sticking his tongue out. "When Cameron gets home we are going shopping so you don't have to be on your feet."

"Jerk," I murmured, "Never did I think you guys would become almost like brothers. Let alone that you guys would buy houses on the same block so you guys could use your house as a man cave."

"Yah, it's actually hard to think back to all the bad stuff that happened between us. Everything just seems so perfect now."

"It does," I admitted, smiling widely.

"Daddy!" The boy shouted.

"There my boys are," Cameron chuckled, "I missed you guys so so much."

"In the kitchen," I shouted, leaning my back against the counter.

Cameron walked around the corner with either boy clung to his leg.

"Looks like a hurricane went off in the house," Cam teased.

"Uncle Jack is so much fun," James shouted, running to Jack.

"Watch this," I giggled, "Boys, mommy is making a baby sister in her tummy for you both."

"No, she's not welcome in our fort," Marcus shouted, with a pouty face.

"We don't want a sister. That is gross," James grumbled.

Both boys took off back out of the kitchen, disappearing into the giant cardboard box fort that Jack had created for them.

"It's girl?" Cameron questioned.

"Yes," I smiled, looking down at the large baby bump.

Finally I will get my little girl that I have always wanted, don't get me wrong having all my beautiful boys is such a blessing but I am beginning to feel a little outnumbered.

It's funny how much the last six years have changed us all for the better.

I mean the past six years have been amazing. My mom finally divorced my dad, and the entire family was finally back to its fun and loving nature, Hayes confessed about the boys manger being a wicked bitch and she was fired. The magcon boys were no longer a thing but Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Shawn, and Jack and Jack still remained close but the other boys all drifted apart. Jack and Jack just realized a new album, Shawn was engaged to the love of his life and creating beautiful music. Nash married two years ago, but he has a three year old daughter names Alice. Hayes was off on his own adventure backpacking around Europe. Sky was graduating from high school next month, and Will and his wife now had three children Eloise, Benjamin, and Mabel. If you would have told me that me and Cameron would have gotten married and had children when we were teenagers, I would have laughed in your face. Our first baby boy was never forgotten, and he lived on in our hearts everyday. But after being married and buying a house that was close to my moms, we found out we were pregnant with twins. Honestly Jack freaked out more then we ever did. And believe it or not Gilinsky and Cameron were like brothers. Forever and Always. Always and Forever.

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