57- Cameron

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*Graphic warning*

My mind swirled in desperation, she was like an ethereal goddess. Her body felt like it was made for me-- The way we clung to each other so effortlessly. My fingers trailed up her long torso, my lips pressed to her neck. Carly lost her mind, giving it up willingly. Who was there to know, to care, but the two of us alone in my mother's house. It was just us and it had been so long since the last time I had gotten a chance at being with her. My blood pounded in my veins with unreserved fire and passion. My tongue plunged between her lips, tasting her, her tongue twined around mine. My fingers drove into her locks of cinnamon curls, grabbing a handful of it and crushing her mouth against mine. Her strong fingers slid into my hair pulling my mouth down against hers.

My body seemed to melt against hers.

Blindly, I forced us closer up against the wall. Her lumber body needing to be pressed hard against mine, I needed to feel the press of her firm, full breast against my chest. And my hand wedged between her thighs. The feeling of touching her, overwhelming every sense.

Hunger surged through me. A demand.


Carly let out a small moan, grinding her hips closer to my body. Her fingertips scrambling around my body cluelessly. She held onto me tightly. Her body begging to be touched. My body ached. It has been so long since I've been touched. So long since I've wanted to be. It felt as if I couldn't get close to her. Her hands were so warm on my bare skin it sent bursts of heat straight to my core and made the ache intensify.

Tugging at her t-shirt, I drew it up just enough to slide my hands beneath it. I closed my hands around her waist, her skin was soft and silky to the touch and I sought out the curve of her waist, the arch of her ribs, my hands tightened. This was delicious torment.

I groaned as her skin heated at my touch, her finger found their way underneath my shirt lining the shapes of my muscular abdomen.

"I want you," She whispered out.

She stretched out her long neck, moaning at my touch. Cupping her cheek in my hand my teeth nibbled on her neck. Savoring the sweet taste of her body. One of my hands massaged her thigh slowly, while another massaged her plump breasts.

"You sure?" I mumbled softly, kissing her neck.

I pulled my head up making eye contact with her, her blue eyes sparkled with what looked like enjoyment. Her bottom lip it's usual spot pressed firmly underneath her front teeth. She nodded her head slowly, a small smirk crept on her face. I lifted her up quickly holding her close to my body. She let out a small giggle as I carried her to my bedroom.

I looked down at Carly, our naked bodies were still pressed together closely. Our legs entwined together under the black comforter.

"I love you," I whispered softly.

I stared down at the innocent girl, she looked back up at me. Her cheeks were a slight tint of pink and her lips curved from ear to ear. She was the definition of adorable. How could I have ever gotten this lucky? Shit. What about Gilinsky-- he was still in the picture. And knowing Carly he wasn't just going to be kicked out right away. She's always had this incredible ability to feel such sympathy for others.

"I love you too," She giggled out, leaning in and kissing my cheek softly, "I don't want this to end."

"Who says it has to?" I asked curiously, brushing my fingers through her hair.

"Well we both have our lived we need to get back too. And a huge obstacle still-"

Carly was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. She picked it up quickly a hint of worry written across her face-- It was Jack. She stared at the phone silently. I watched as the screen turned black and a missed called flashed across the screen.

"Yah this is a little messed isn't it," I nervously chuckled scratching the back of my head.

"I have to get ready to go meet Aaron and Claire," Carly mumbled still staring at her phone.

"Do you regret us?" I asked sadly.

"What! No." She looked up at me quickly, "I meant ever part of it. I'm just no better than my father now."

"What do you mean Carly?"

"Shit. I forgot to tell you."

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