1. Hold On, Soldier

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My eyes shot open. Darkness filling my vision as I parted from my unconsciousness. It was night time. Me, living alone, in New York. Just waking up from most likely a nightmare. It may have been two or three in the morning. I sat up with a groan, rubbing my eyes. I noticed I was still in my outfit from before. Too lazy to change into pajamas. I froze; tense. I felt a presence. My awareness felt something like fear, that creeps up on you. Makes you feel stuck no matter what. But in my case I wasn't scared, I knew what to do. I quietly pulled my gun from my bed side table. I creeped down the hallway, carefully, and silently. Ready to pull the trigger if anything felt uneasy. If I heard any sound, or if I saw anything I'd shoot. I could've been delusional. It could've been the nightmare firing up my nerves. But I knew me. I had to at least check. I heard a slight movement. I leaped into the kitchen, flicking on the lights. A muscular figure in the most hilarious costume stood dumbfounded as I pointed my gun at him. Shocked to see me awake. Shocked he'd been caught. I pulled the trigger, not asking his reasoning for breaking into my home. It was quite clear why he had. It had to be something I wouldn't like, so why bother asking right? He dodged it, protecting himself from the bullets with a tacky shield. The bullets were crushed once they hit the patriotic protection. I pulled out a gun from under the kitchen table and shot, purposely missing, beside his cheek and into my wall. I knew exactly his personality just by looking at him. Must protect America. My duty to save the world and to make the world a happy place. As I gathered the details, I knew how to trigger him. I placed the cold muzzle of my weapon to the side of my head. He froze, just as I had when I woke up just minutes ago.

"Don't!" He exclaimed not wanting me to shoot just as I predicted.

"Leave." My voice a soft whisper. He dropped his shield, rejecting my request but showing he was no foe to me. I kept my guns in place, grateful but irritated by his decision.

"What do you want." My soft voice questioned, my fingers laying at the trigger.

"I'm here to recruit you ma'am. I am a friend." His words were careful. He put his hands out calmingly. I rose an eyebrow and he continued. "S.H.E.I.L.D asked me to bring you to them."

"I won't come with you to S.H.E.I.L.D." I stated quietly.

"We need you," He responded desperately. "to save the world. Please." I was hesitant but decided to pull the guns away from my head. Relief softened his alert features. My face straight, and emotionless. He seemed kind, trustworthy. S.H.E.I.L.D seemed aggressive and forceful. Especially untrustworthy. If I didn't like what they were asking of me, I could just run away. Right? I sighed. Either decision would lead me to death. Why not?

I groan as I give in, "Alright solider, just don't get too cozy."

Hold On Soldier ✔️ | marvelWhere stories live. Discover now