26. Talk to you later, isabelle

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After creating memorable (and not so memorable) moments the time passes and it's time to get serious. Throughout the weeks I avoid all S.H.I.E.L.D matters, Nat fills me in with the important stuff though. She tells me Loki isn't going anywhere until Thor escorts him back to Asgard. Permanently. That S.H.I.E.L.D is pissed about it but Nick and everyone aren't letting anything happen. The cube is going with them and that's that. S.H.I.E.L.D has been handling everything, from my perspective I just block that out. I know hydra was a theory I couldn't erase from my brain. But I needed to just trust everyone the best I could, while keeping a distance from S.H.I.E.L.D in the process. It wouldn't be safe or smart to get involved. Or at least that's what I told myself. It's the day Thor leaves for Asgard with Loki and we all separate. I've been dreading this moment for a while now. But maybe this is alright and there will be another day where we will all come together again. For now we are just saying goodbye temporarily. It looks like I'll be going at it alone till then. Clint suggested staying with S.H.I.E.L.D to give them a chance and Tony begged for me to stay with him for a little longer. If I get too close I'll never be able to leave. Or at least that's what I'm trying to tell myself so I'll be able to move forward. I can't depend too much. We slowly leave the hotel one by one, I appreciate Nick paying for my place. I wonder if he did for anyone else. I'll have to thank him, maybe I can close the gap a little. I don't know if I'm really ready for that yet though. I grab my bags and slide it on top of my shoulder. Everyone's packed and ready to head out. I mosey past everyone's hotel doors. Each with a memory. Movies in Thor and Clint's, dancing and joking around in Tony's and Bruce's. I remember sitting outside Steve's reading with Bruce Steve and Nat one early morning too. I return back to reality when Steve cracks open the door and escapes one last time.

He smiles after realizing its me, "Hello, Izzy. Good morning." He says politely.

"Good morning Steve. Ready to go?" I ask. He doesn't have any bags, just the casual clothes on my back.

He nods slightly but rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah it's sad to leave though. Have you figured out where you headed after everything?"

I shake my head, "Imma do a last minute choice, I guess." I shrug.

"I know you have a past with S.H.I.E.L.D but it'd be a pleasure working with you beside Nat and I." He tells honestly. I look down for a moment but he pulls my chin up, "but there's no pressure. My covet shouldn't be the reason you stay."

His sad smile crushes me, "I'll think about it. I may have unfinished business there anyway." I admit making his eyes sparkle hopefully, curiosity lingering within the blue.

"Well let me know and I'll give you a ride." He offers playfully, an image of his motorcycle pops into my head.

I stick my tongue out and he laughs, "Maybeeee."


We are in a blocked off area. After everything I think it's better this is private, we've gotten a lot of attention since the battle. Thor and Loki are attached at the hip. Loki wears the muzzle and handcuffs as Thor makes his way through the group. He gives us all handshakes and farewells. Selvig even earns a big hug goodbye. Tony opens the Tesseract's case simply. Bruce then takes it out carefully and places inside a glass tube, held by Thor. After that Loki and him grab on. With a nod from Thor they're gone thanks to a beam of light. It seemed too quick, my goodbye could've been so much more memorable. I shake my head knowing I'd see Thor again someday. I hug Natasha strongly and she hugs back. This is gonna be hard, we've been living together for a few weeks now and still it feels unreal to separate.

"Talk to you later, Isabelle." Nat assures.

Clint rests a hand on my shoulder, "It'll be ok kiddo. We'll stay in touch." I nod before making my way to the billionaire and scientist who are waiting.

Tony and Bruce make their way to a rich sports car, I assume Tony's.

"Are you sure you don't wanna hang with us science bros?! Make it a science triplets?" Tony chuckles but I shake my head.

"As much as I'd love to I got plans." I respond, "But don't be a stranger."

Bruce nods, "You don't either. It was a pleasure meeting you, Isabelle." Tony agrees with Bruce and they head off with a vroom. Silence and loneliness fill the air as my friends leave. It feels weird and eerie as if they will all come out claiming it was a prank. Steve calls my name and I spin around to him standing with his hands in his pockets. I feel nervous and weak at the knees when he walks up to me.

"So that harley ride?" He questions curiously.

I giggle from nerves but answer him, "Let's ride. It'll be a thrill."

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