48. Wandas vision, Isabelles sight

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I blink and only see red now. I'm in the gym I practice boxing. But everything's glossed over with red so bad that it's hard to make out where the bag is. When I see it I get the urge of slamming all my might into it. I collide my fist to the bag and I transport to my old apartment in New York. My anxiety enhances and I turn in my kitchen knowing who is going to be there. Steve is barging into my home.

"Izzy, join us." He requests politely, "We need your help to stop Loki."

This isn't how this went originally, "Hail Hydra." I reply instead. Punch. I am transported only seconds later. I'm putting the gun to my head. I pull the trigger and I fall back immediately. I'm going to die here and now on my apartment floor. But when I image my body colliding with my tile floor it disappears. I blink to recognize I'm falling out of the S.H.I.E.L.D jet like before. But instead of falling and hitting the night forest I slam into a mountain. Loki and Thor are conversing but when they notice my frail bleeding body arrive next to them their necks snap in my direction.

"Mrs. Short, join us." Thor gives me a creepy smile, "We must come together and defeat enemies!"

"Hail Hydra." I stand regardless of a bullet resting in my head. I grab Thor's hammer and throw it at him with ease. But I'm interrupted by Iron man, who comes at jet speed out of no where. When I hiss and slam my fist against him he let's go of my body. I'm transitioned to falling from the helicarrier. I feel the panic rise in my chest and feel the blood from my head trail down my scalp. I should be dead. I should've been killed from shooting myself or from a heart attack. My heart is leaping out of my chest, no, it's throbbing. I don't see a red and gold spark in the sky. I don't see Hulk fall or Thor fly. I don't see Phil die. I'm seeing the ground come close and closer to view and a speck of green and gold stands below it. The red and blue flicker in my eyes as I arrive at the ground. Loki stands elegantly as he impales my chest.

"Human, Join us," He sneers, "You will rule at my side with the Chitauri."

"Hail Hydra." I reply again, grasping his throat and avoiding Loki's control.

When I close my eyes the air changes around me, when they open seconds later Pierce is whining behind my grasp, "Please stop, Isabelle!"

I grit my teeth at his pleads, "You killer."

"Oh I'm not the killer," he chokes as I tighten my hand around his throat where Loki was whimpering before.

"I've never killed, but I can." I threaten.

He laughs, "Yet you speak the words I live by? You call yourself an avenger but all I see is Hydra."

"Hail Hydra." I agree as my hand tightens into a fist. It's unrealistic for his neck to twist like that but it becomes as tiny as a straw. His limp head falls to the ground. I blink and see Buckys metal arm in its place. I look up in surprise.

"Pierce is dead." Bucky, the Winter Solider, tells me. I feel extreme relief overwhelm my tense body from the countless encounters. But his next response demolishes my excitement, "And so is Steve, just as planned."

"Hail Hydra." We say in unison, as if singing our pride. When I say it I mean it. It's like the feeling has always been there. Reading Hydra on the file the day in the helicarrier while we snooped on S.H.I.E.L.D. We snooped. I didn't even feel sorrow for Steve's death. I killed him? Did Bucky? The idea should send grief to my eyes and hurt to my heart. Yet we smile at one another, his closest friends.

"Now it's your turn." The Winter Solider grabs his dismembered arm and slams it against my head. I hit the floor and when I rise I see Nick Fury at his grave. I swiftly approach him without him seeing me. When I see him stare deep into the grave I notice the name isn't his. It's the avengers graved into the stone.

"I've lost many friends to you, Cold Shoulder." Fury says though he hasn't turned to see me. I cringe as I aim my pistol to the back of his head.

"Hail Hydra." I roar triumphantly before shooting him in the head. But the bullet doesn't shoot him it impales me in the same spot from before. The scenery glitches as well as my posture. I flicker from shooting Fury to aiming the gun to my head. And when it stays to shooting me I hunch over in pain. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra.

"Shortie." I look up and see Tony, my vision completely red.

"Help me Tony! Please!" I beg. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra. Hail Hydra.

"I'm not helping someone like you. You killed my friends." Tony returns, "I'm only here to avenge them."

The same panic rise in my chest as Tony palm aims at me, "Steve!" I plead for his help but an Iron Man beam strikes my heart. I scream, I shriek, I yelp in pain as my chest bursts with heat. Until finally I'm murdered.

"Isabelle." I hear through my casket. It's muffled but it's there. The red slowly turns pink until it's my clear vision again. And the casket erases and I witness I'm in the quinjet once again. The one calling out to me is Clint, "Hey kiddo, you back yet?"

I nod slightly and murmur out, "I'm here."

"Good, god I'm glad." He sighs looking at the others with relief as well as me. He's flying the jet yet I sit beside him weakly, "You were out for a while."

Maria speaks so I can continue to keep quiet, "The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air."

"Stark Relief Foundation?" I almost vomit as Tony speaks.

I shutter and Clint grasps my hand, "Shh its alright, I'm here."

"Already on the scene. How's the team?" Maria answers Tony with another question.

"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off." Tony tells wearily.

Maria nods, "Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here."

"So, run and hide?" Tony asks offended.

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer." Maria returns.

"Neither do we." Tony ends the call with Maria and turns to me and Clint, "Hey, you wanna switch out?"

"No, I'm good." Clint replies letting go of my hand. I wanna grab it and pull it back but I don't. When Tony looks me dead in the eye all I see is his face before killing me. I shake wildly which makes him hurry to my side.

"Shortie, you ok?" He whispers with concern but I push him away with urgent fear. He looks rejected but only nods looking at Clint who begins to speak again.

"If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out." Clint says, "I'll watch over Isabelle."

"A few hours from where?" Tony questions.

Clint replies, "A safe house."

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