54. Pietro

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"Thor, I got a plan!" Tony roars through battle, I'm sweating like crazy and my hands are getting callus's and sore. My feet are throbbing and aching. How is it possible for robots to be so hard to fight?

Thor interrupts my complaints, "We're out of time. They're  coming for the core."

Tony orders, "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."

Rhodey understands, "On it."

"Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony says.

"Like we haven't already." I roll my eyes.

"You good?" Pietro looks at his sister as we join each other at the center of the chaos.

I place my hand on the wall for support as Wanda replies, "Yeah."

"You both are doing great. Keep it up." I compliment catching them off guard.

"You're too kind." Pietro eases his posture.

"I just wanted to thank you both." I shrug, "If I knew who you both were I would've missed you. I think."

My playful wink makes Wanda soften her seriousness, "We're avengers now. I guess this is what a team feels like."

Tony jokes, "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini."

"Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly." Nat walks up, "What's the drill?"

Tony points to the Vibranium core, "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." I shutter as a familiar robot appears.

Thor roars at Ultron who flies toward us, "Is that the best you can do?" Ultron smirks and summons his army of robots to join him.

Steve groans, "You had to ask."

Ultron replies cockily, "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

Tony responds, "Well, like the old man said. Together." Suddenly they charge and I get into ready position. My hands grasp my weapons from the holsters. The knuckles of my hands turn white from the tight hold I have on them. A couple of robots come at me and I shoot. It's practically not affective whatsoever. I shriek until Steve's shield defeats each of them in a blow. It whirlpools right back to him and he gives me a respectful nod.

"How about you use your powers Isabelle Short. Guns won't be an ally to you." Ultron mocks me between battle, but it feels as though we are the only two here.

"Don't listen to him, Isabelle." Pietro shouts while running around defeating multiple robots in the process.

"What did they tell you." I snarl staring at him angrily.

"They didn't have to. The knowledge I was born with did." Ultron taps his head cheekily.

"Jarvis knew..." I freeze in place, my limp body could give in.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight...." The Hulk knocks him far away and the robots start to retreat.

"They'll try to leave the city." Thor tells.

Tony huffs, "We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!"

"I'm on it." We hear Tony's friend say.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Steve orders and I brush the news off my shoulders.

Clint questions, "What about the core?"

"I'll protect it." Wanda looks at me seriously, "It's my job."

"I trust you." I whisper, "Not Ultron. I can't."

"That's my girl." Wanda has a shine in her eyes as Pietro cheers me on.

"Get the people on the boats." Wanda tells her brother.

Pietro disagrees, "I'm not going to leave you here."

"I can handle this." She destroys a upcoming robot, "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before."

Pietro mourners to himself, "Hmm."

"I'll take care of her." I suggest but Wanda shakes her head.

"You understand?" Wanda argues.

Pietro laughs to himself, "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you."

"Go." Wanda chuckles, "With Isabelle."

"Obviously. We need to reintroduce ourselves." Pietro smiles warmly.

"What better way then during a chaotic battle?" I joke pulling Pietro with me. I give Wanda a trustful smile as we jog forward. We run till we get to the hellicarrier, trying to call for civilians stuck along the way. It looks abandoned and no one ever replies, we finish up and simply take in the area.

"Reminds me of home a little." Pietro accent is thick as he says.

"I'm sorry." I say, what else do I say?

"No need." Pietro gives me puppy eyes, "Thanks for trying to keep up."

"I know you were only pretending to run at my speed." I laugh. We take in a breath and look around the place some more. That is until we basically limp to the lifeboats.

A lady is whimpering, "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" Clint runs off to find the person is screaming for. I reach for him in urgency, we're leaving soon. Even Steve and Thor are talking about everyone being on. I wanna protest, tell them we aren't all ready. But I'm shaking when I see a jet shooting by. Literally shooting. The bullets plummet like bombs against the ground and I turn my vision back to Clint. He's holding the kid, realizing like I have what is coming. He swiftly moves his body so the weapons will aim at his back and not the child. I begin to freak out but Pietro grabs my arm and pulls me in.

A hug I could never forget and words I'll always replay in my mind, "I'm glad I could say goodbye to you, Isabelle."

"Pietro what are you even talking about." I stammer but he's too quick for me. He's at Clint's side in seconds, right when the bullets slam the ground. Pietro falls to the ground. Dead.

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