24. Crash

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I am not a girl who drinks. I am not a girl who hooks up or hangs desperately off of guys shoulders. I am not a girl who gets along with others. I am not a girl who goes to a bar, just after a scary ass fight with a space snob in a pointy headband, getting drunk for the first time. I start to get claustrophobic and tears sting my eyes. I'm so drunk. Bruce and Steve see my uncomfortableness and panic. I slide out of my seat and move past Tony quickly. Before I can wander off the streets of New York drunkly two guys grab my shoulders.

"Excuse me, could you not touch me?" I ask, shocked. Interest sparkles in the two men's eyes. Or maybe that's the drinks.

"You're leaving so soon! Hang out with us!" One of them grins, though they're polite I remove them from myself.

The other grabs my forearm again sending me red flags, "Don't push us away little girl." He grits his teeth. Steve grabs the guys shoulder and pushes it again the bar. This pulls my arm as well. His grasp was strong so I get yanked onto the table.

I get angry and pull out my gun, "Let go perv." My growl frightens them sending them off. I place the gun in Steve's hand dizzily.

"Whoa Izzy, that was... scary." I ignore Steve and stumble out of the bar. Steve follows hurriedly. He hands me the gun and I slip it loosely into my purse. "Are you alright?"

"No, hell no!" I slur my words, "Holy shit I've never been so drunk!" Fear glosses over my eyes.

"You... weren't scared of those guys?" Steve looks at me as if I missed something.

"No my stomach fucking hurts." I exclaim, "imma hurl." He chuckles for a second as I loose my balance.

"Ok ok, let me help you." He says, "if you allow me to." I nod as he carefully lifts my bag. He looks through it, past my gun and pulls a hair tie out.

"You're a genius." I giggle impressed and smile goofily. He nods kindly and pulls my hair back gently. Just incase I puke. I get a shiver down my spin at his touch before he ties all of it out of the way.

"Where's Gates and Einstein?" I ask with heavy eye lids.

"They're still at the bar." He tells, "Can I walk you back?" He asks and I agree. I feel his fingers clash between mine and we hold hands. Not in a cute way, he's behind me and steering me. I laugh nonstop while both my hands lay on my shoulders interlocked with his. He helps me slowly make my way to the hotel. Eventually the hand holding doesn't work cause I get tired of the fun. I suggest he carries me. I'm hanging on his back exhaustedly.

"Drinking sucks, you're lucky you're a strong superhuman model thing." I point out drunkly. He lifts me up a little every now and then to keep me up.

"Model? Now I know you're drunk." He chuckles cutely. My eyes open and close tiredly and I mumble nonsense till I fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed, not knowing the time. I'm still dizzy so I guess it hasn't been long since I fell asleep before. I lay quietly noticing how comfortable the hotel is. I hear chatter outside the door and my ears become high alert.

"She said she didn't wanna drink!" Natasha barks.

She's hushed by Steve, "I know but Tony wouldn't stop bugging her. She gave in."

"And she's never drank before?!" Nat groans.

"Yes, she's never gotten drunk." Steve confirms softly.

"I'll take care of her, ok? I'll put out a trash can next to her bed just in case." I hear how tired Nat is by her voice. I feel enormously guilty. And I feel complete warmth from her succor.

"Thank you. I owe you." Steve says.

"No I'm glad to do it." Nat replies, "But imma kick Starks ass when he sobers up." I giggle half asleep. Then I don't hear much more because I crash.

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