72. Meditate

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I cross my legs and sit in a barely lit room, a cozy yoga mat beneath me. I take in a breath and straighten my back. I lift my head while I inhale good energy through me and exhale the tension within my body as well as my mind. I try to tell myself to feel the comfort.

"Patience." I open my eyes. I'm lifted off the ground by the powers I'm attempting to control. I repeat that I'm a feather in my head. When I slowly close my eyelids again I become peaceful.

"I hear meditation is a process of training your mind to focus and redirect your process of thinking. To bring awareness of your being and your surroundings together." Vision slips through and startles me, I thud to the ground making myself groan with pain.

"Yes that's very true Vision. I was getting to that." I smile through the soreness of my bottom as Vision walks to the place beside me.

"If you're using it to take control of your mental state and to become a stronger person then I believe you're onto the right path." Vision encourages meekly making me snicker at his attempts.

"You're kind Vision. And right for that matter." I slouch as I relax.

"I'm inspired by your actions Isabelle Short." Vision sits beside me mirroring by stance, "I'd love to join you with your meditation."

"Might as well." I agree with a snort, "I imagine you'll do excellent at it."

"Wouldn't he be," Tony chuckles with crossed arms, "I bet his head thing glows when he is fully engaged with the meditation."

I glare at Tony who is now entering, "Don't tease people who are more respectable then you."

"I'm respectable!" Tony argues sitting beside me on my opposite side, "Because I am rich."

Before I can scuff Steve strides in with his red boots and shield, "Everyone up, urgent business to attend to."

"Whats the matter." I stand worriedly as does Vision.

Steve explains before Tony dips, "We have to go to Nigeria, we finally have a lead of where these guys are."


The sun beams onto us like spotlights though we're blended in the crowds of people of Lagos Nigeria. I'm nostalgic as I adjust my pastel top, I hadn't worn normal clothes in what felt like ages. I'm stationed on a rooftop on the opposite side of Sam. Across the street we can do hand signals but our communication resorts to our earpieces more so. I send a polite wave before I continue scanning the ground.

"All right, what do you see?" Steve questions and Wanda begins her observations.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda describes where she is, I can her her swallow the tea I'm assuming she ordered to blend in.

Steve checks back when Wanda finishes, "There's an ATM in the south corner, which means..."

Wanda confirms, "Cameras."

"Both cross streets are one way." Steve notices from where he's stationed.

"So, compromised escape routes." Wanda replies.

Steve answers with a serious tone, "Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

Wanda sees it immediately, "Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

Nat interrupts, "It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us."

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda returns coldly.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Nat returns equally as poor.

"Some of us are new to this." I add.

"This isn't practice anymore." Nat replies and I groan irritably.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asks Nat and I smile slightly.

"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" I can hear Nat smile as she sips her own beverage. At least we're easing up now.

"Eyes on target, folks." Steve reminds.

"Let's be professional as well as friendly." My input causes everyone to mutter to themselves.

"This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Steve tells causing negative to fidget.

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us." Sam comments making me chuckle. Suddenly garbage truck is pushing its way through traffic, with no concern of others around it. The truck pushes a car in it's way out of impatience causing people to stare.

Steve notices too, "Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it."

Sam sends his small drone toward the trash holding vehicle. "That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed."

"It's a battering ram." Nat tells.

Steve commands, "Izzy, hover."

"I'm on it." I answer jogging forward, my feet slowly are convinced to lighten and I start to fly.

"Go, now." Steve orders politely again for the others.

Wanda stammers shocked, "What?"

Steve explains with hurriedness lingering in his voice, "He's not hitting the police."

I'm soaring through the air, mimicking the movements of the garbage truck when two similar trucks appear, "It's them. I'm engaging." Before I can think the garbage truck speeds up while the driver leaps out for his life. I curse as I quickly return to the ground. I crack my knuckles before colliding my palms to the ground. Two trucks rush into the compound through the newly-made hole and I send ice forward to alter their passage. As well as to freeze the garbage truck from further destruction. All too many things at once allow the enemy to still follow through, I melt the ice I placed with a snap then engaging in combat. The Soldiers in black armor are now firing rifles around the courtyard. Gas it fired as well and gas masked soldiers appear in front of me. As well as Steve who falls into the action. We exchange a look before I take flight forward knocking into a solider purposely.

"Body armor, AR-15's. I make 7 hostiles." Steve informs the group.

"The building is filling with toxic gases, soldiers are inside." I tell before slamming my forehead against the guy I flung myself at moments before.

"I make 5." Sam counts as he's taken out some of the enemy above.

"I make 4." I dust off my hands before turning to face Wanda who arrives. She is blocking fire with her powers. Then takes control of the soldier responsible and lifting him high with red strings of magic.

Wanda offers, "Sam."

"Three." Sam chimes after he knocks the guy out with his wing and then landing.

"Always a competition." I jokingly glare at Sam as Redwing passes by us.

"Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam tells us after Redwing scans.

Steve looks at me, "just like we practiced."

Wanda interrupts, "What about the gas?"

Steve orders, "Get it out." I use my wind powers to lift Steve up and through the window as delicately as possible. Glass breaks and I cringe but I imagine he's alright.

"I could've done that." Wanda reminds and I stick my tongue out.

Wanda now uses her powers to remove the gas from the building and I mock, "I could do that."

Wanda can't resist a smile to poke out of her focus, "Couldn't. Go help your boyfriend."

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