66. Killing Matilda

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As we fly we get no where close to finding her. Frankly we don't know where to start. I try to find places with my recovered memory but It's still far that I only can think of little things summarize.

"You don't remember locations? Where they kept you? Any places name?" Clint shouts from his seat as he flies us practically in circles.

I shake my head sorrowfully, "I mean I can remember certain rooms but not where they are at. I was never outside of them with a good mindset."

"Hey Wanda what if you jogged her memory?" Nat suggests and I sit up straighter from shock.

"Don't you think she's been through enough?" Steve clenches his jaw.

"It's fine. We can't just keep flying around." I sigh and squint my eyes. Am I really willing to do this?

"I'll stop when you say, alright?" Wanda smiles slightly, "Safe word is 'Wanda let me out!'"

"Sounds good to me." I laugh and release all my angst, Wanda wouldn't put me through anything I couldn't handle. With that thought I relax in my seat and wait for the magic to work. I close my eyes in hesitation and when I open them I see red.

"Hail Hydra!" I hear people shout within a glass room, my face still with no emotion. I am strapped to the metal chair again and needles have been poked into me numerous times. I know this from the various bruises and tiny holes where needles would be. My head is strapped in tight as well. I feel fidgety but remain still. I wait for Matilda Wolf to return. She is the only person I've seen in months. For Pietro and Wanda, their faces I can barely remember how they looked.

I hear a click at the door, "Isabelle Short. Let's begin." The lady sounds as evil as ever, but I should be numb to it by now. She approaches me slowly with a unnerving grin. It's like she enjoys doing this to people. I stiffen as she sits beside me, fiddling with my wrist straps. She cuts off my circulation with one pull and I shake just a little bit. Because if I show her I'm in pain or have fear the punishments will be even more gruesome.

I shake maybe a bit too much and a doctor beside Matilda comments, "Shes fazing out again."

"Her parents wouldn't be proud." Matilda teases. You might think it's an out of no where push of the buttons but Matilda tends to do this frequently. I am not surprised. What does is her next few words, "Good thing they're dead."

I clench my fist and use my new received power to my gain. I have strength I feel coursing and I want to use it. "Hail Hydra. For the upgrade." I mock.

"No no no, that won't do." Matilda sees me undo some of the tightness of my restraints, "Do you wanna end up like your mother and father? Their bodies were tortured till we threw their bodies into furnaces. And they were still alive at that part."

"I saw them die..." I clench my jaw.

"After we dragged their live bodies away, we wanted to have some fun." Matilda licked her lips slightly and I felt tears sting my eyes.

"She's dismissing our mind control... impossible." Says a doctor checking updating data.

Matilda ignores him and gets close to my face, "We should've let you watch everything. What a disappointment."

"Screw you." I grunt as I release ice to my wrist straps. I'm shocked by my powers but I'm more eager to escape. The easily break and the red in my eyes vanish. I simply kick the straps around my ankles and they snap as well. Then I quickly wet my hair with my water powers to slip out of the headgear strapping me to the chair. As I drip I grasp Matildas throat and lift her.

"Back up!" Matilda yelps through gasps and tries to claw from my grasp.

"Let's have fun." I smirk while slowly freezing her throat from where my hand is placed. The doctor runs out and men come in with guns. I create a puddle under them and they slip before taking a shot. I tease Matilda by icing little by little of her body. When I finish the places I wanted to be solid ice I throw her to the floor. A doctor tases me behind my head. I shutter but still manage to punch through Matildas vulnerable neck. The ice breaks between her head and body and she is killed instantly. I twitch from the tase but fly through the roof to escape. I break through and destroy the building, I take a last glance at the place I stayed at for years. I subconsciously fly to where S.H.I.E.L.D was three years prior. I am drooling and foaming at the mouth when I land. I am in no control of my powers and I stumble to the entrance. I hold my head uneasily and feel a sharp cold pain enter my brain. The mixture of the tase and my powers combine and I'm knocked out. Memories wiped.

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