85. Scotland

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Steve's phone rings as we're tiptoeing through an ally to get back to our residence. Sam and Nat freeze as red lights source the alleyway and a fog drifts past us. I calm the fog with a lowering palm as Steve widens his eyes at the soft jingle. We've been in hiding for a couple of years, so many years that the man I see now isn't at all the recognizable Captain America people would remember. My hair is in long thin braids, a new color and bangs split differently. Nat and Sam got different looks as well as Steve who gained a beard and longer hair.

He pushed back his locks and flipped open his phone to answer, "Tony. You finally called, It's Steve."

"Is something the matter?" I question as Steve listens for an answer.

Steve's eyes widen as he hears a response finally, "Bruce? Where's Tony?"


An express train passes loudly, and it grows louder and louder as we approach it. A crash through the roof we separated to attack inward on Thanos's children. Hearing that Thanos was desperate to get all infinity stones and able to obtain a couple was mind boggling enough to get us to Scotland. We slyly make our way to help Vision and Wanda. Though I haven't seen them in a long time we've known their location enough to know when they're safe. Bruce telling us that Thanos killed most of the asgardians who didn't escape, hopefully not Thor, and then capturing the time stone along with Steven Strange was proof we needed to engage in the fight. As the last train car passes, I see a silhouette on the far side of the platform. Steve's shadowed body grasps a throw weapon and slowly steps into the light. I stretch out my palm as if that were a signal and press my palm to the ground releasing the fog I consumed earlier. Sam comes in as the enemy is distracted and kicks Proxima across the platform, through a closed security gate and many furniture in the way.

I strut toward Steve and grasp the weird weapon the lady wielded, "Heavy."

"Not really." Steve replies as I balance the long thing in my hands until I call to Nat.

"Go long!" Nat is thrown the weapon and she engages the ugly alien Corvus,l. The lady alien summons her weapon back to her hand and attacks back but my fog causes her to stumble beforehand. Steve gets to her and holds her off. We continue battling off the two with Sam slipping in to send a final kick to blow her away.

"Get up." The alien girl grits her teeth at her friend.

"I can't." He sneers as I aim my palms at them.

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will." Nat gestures to me and the aliens only blink, so I send out a icicle that cuts the aliens cheek.

"You'll never get the chance again." Holding the side of her face Proxima and Corvus depart as they are beamed up. And the weapon joins them up in the sky.

Sam hurries to ask Vision who is holding himself up weakly, "Can you stand?"

Visions body shimmers gold painfully, "Thank you, Captain."

Steve nods, "Let's get you on the jet."

I pat Wanda and help Vision into the ride when we arrive at it outside, "Good to see you guys."

"You too friend." Wanda smiles slightly. It's dark out still but the feels warmer than before, though I'd disagree it'd be because of relief in this timing. We stagger up into the jet and take out seats when Sam shouts, "Where to, Cap?"

Steve answers straightly, "Home."


We arrive at our upstate New York Avengers headquarters again and it's like a dream being back here. It's awful to be back for these circumstances but I'm glad we've forgiven each other after such a long time. Walking through the same halls and seeing the same people is thrilling to imagine. I can't believe I'm living it especially when we approach where Rhodey is.

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