41. Aftermath

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Me and Bucky safely find a way to dive into the water, the Winter Solider pulls Steve out after we swim to rescue him. I'm practically in tears when I see him. I give him CPR, and wait for him to choke up some water before slyly moving away. I vanish from his view and hurry to where Bucky is at. He's in deep thought, he seems confused. Lingers of control still overlay his eyes.

"So Hydra." I say catching his attention.

"Is gone." He tells.

"But still in our heads. Maybe yours more so." I sit beside him, "Where do we start?"

"Do we have to do this now?" Bucky shakes his head with irritation.

I nod, "Of course, of course." I assure. Though I am impatient to know things, I know he's slowly remembering things. Im worried maybe I will react the same way. Have I killed people too? I look at this tortured man and can't feel fear anymore. I tell him to contact me whenever, he knows where I live. He nods and listens to me, he seems far but he's polite. Bucky doesn't talk much now. He's less threatening, even helps me with my wounds. The wounds he gave me but whatever. When I hear Steve cough I say goodbye.

"Yeah... um I'm sorry." Bucky says, "for everything."

I nod, "I'm sure I wasn't too better." I assure before leaving him.

"Yes I'm alive, I'm by shore." Steve tells his ear piece, he's still laying uncomfortably. Mine is muffled with water, I'm sure he's frustrated with his as well.

"Thank god you're alive." I smile gently at him as I walk up. I'm nervous he'll see Bucky so I'm careful to get his attention away from him.

"Oh my god Izzy!" He almost chokes when he sees me, "Thank god you're ok."

"No need to worry. I should be glad you're ok!" I remind him.

"I could've sworn I saw you a second ago," He looks around the best he can, "When I woke up I was so scared when you weren't there." I get so fearful as he checks the place Bucky was. I grasp Steve's face strongly.

I force him to look at me, our faces close, "I'm ok. I'm here."

"Are you ok?" He checks my fresh wounds, the blood staining my white bodysuit.

"Yes," I laugh and he checks my wrist that is in a white cast, "Peachy."

"You gotta be more careful." He tells.

"You're one to talk, Solider." I chime, "How're you doing?"

"I'm ready for this to be over." He sighs slightly, his warm breath heating my face as he continues to lay.

"Ah I thought we were having a moment." I joke as I pull away and stand tall. I wink before he chuckles shyly and I help him up, "We've gotta go."


After Steve heals at a hospital we're requested to squad up. Fury meets us at a cemetery. At his own grave, "So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?"

"You get used to it." Steve jokes.

"We've been data-mining hydras files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come."

"There's something I gotta do first." Steve tells.

"How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities." Fury wonders.

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy." Sam justifies.

"Alright then. What about you Isabelle?"

"Im gonna stick with my team." I reply, "But don't be a stranger."

We all shake Fury's hand before he speaks, "Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here."

Fury leaves after he gestures to his gravestone, and then Nat comes up to us, "You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you."

"Not going with him?" Steve asks.

"No." Nat smiles.

"Not staying here?" I question with a pout.

"You're welcome to come with me, Isabelle." Nat explains making me sad. "I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one."

"That might take a while." Steve says.

"I'm counting on it." Nat nods, "That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev." She hands Steve a file and kisses him and me on the cheek. She turns to walk away before wishing us to be careful. Steve opens the file and we see it's about Bucky. I grow curious when I see Winter Solider information as well.

Sam questions, "You're going after him?"

"You don't have to come with me." Steve says seriously.

"I know. When do we start?" Sam smiles.

I chuckle and nod, "Never a break when it comes to you two is there? That's good. I'm not done with Pierce yet."

"Um Isabelle. Pierce is dead." Sam awkwardly tells me.

I stare at him for a moment, "What the hell."

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