20. Lunch

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After the encounter with Mr. Pierce we head to the shawarma place Tony suggested. We had been on edge the entire time that when we get inside the place we're done. We get our shawarma and munch quietly in thought as people sweep up the mess from the battle that slipped inside. As I'm eating I feel a loss of what will happen next. We have basically one week, I'd like to make it up to everyone for my foolishness. I think they trust me, I mean that's what I've been told. And Tony even said that they can relate to me, maybe that means that it was hard for them to open up to me. I did put up a wall so I know it must've been difficult. It's only fair I try.

"This is nice." I murmur gaining some looks, "It's nice to get food in our systems, feels like we haven't eaten in forever." I smile.

"I can not disagree Mrs. short," Thor grins slightly, "I was craving throughout battle."

"I was starving." Natasha nods as she agrees quietly.

"Starving? I was dying." Tony jokes, "for food." He winks at us and expects a reaction. We just angrily shake our heads. He swats away our displease and claims we don't know good humor. I seemed to have created a good conversation. They continue to talk, easing into a more relaxed state then before. Steve has only nodded and smiled but remains distant. He hasn't touched his food and I grow concerned. I don't know if it has anything to do with me or more so the fact I yelled at him earlier. I grow guilty and drift from the conversation as well. Tony pays for the meal when we finish up, he cockily suggests he does so. Because he is rich. Thor, Bruce, and Clint lead while Natasha and Tony follow after paying. Natasha argues with Tony's ego as they're leaving. Steve's throwing away the leftover trash some of them left. So polite. I leave the tip from my boot money that I save for emergencies. I keep a stash just in case, luckily I had a good amount. I wanted to tip well because of all the devastating blows this place took from the battle. As I turn to leave Steve opens the door for me. I am taken back but I slip by thankfully. Should I take this time to talk to Steve?

"Thank you." I say when the door quietly shuts. The others are far now because we took our time in there so we are behind quite a lot. "Hey Steve?"

"Yes?" He is gentle with his words, as if anything he says could be crucial.

"I wanted to apologize on my out burst, it wasn't fair to attack you like that." I explain, "If I ever hurt you, I'm sorry."

"Izzy you don't have to." Steve confirms quietly, "I know you've been through a lot."

"That's not a good excuse. You're my friend." I claim earning a shocked glance from Steve, "I need to be better at being a friend."

"I thought you didn't want friends." Steve reminds, he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly smiling.

"You don't deserve my neglect. All of you have gone lengths for me and I know now you all care for me." I sigh, "And as much as I wish I didn't, I do too."

He chuckles, "You make us sound like gods."

"Only one of us are." I wink making him laugh more. I like how we're ok now. It feels back to normal. And its even better when we aren't in bad circumstances.

We catch up to the others and Tony gleams at me, "It's nice to see you both talking again."

"Yeah it's like when your parents get into an argument." Clint agrees, "And we're the kids who are awkwardly observing."

I roll my eyes, "You and your love analogies."

"Have you ever been in love, Isabelle?" Natasha smirks, "Or felt any certain way toward someone?"

Red covers my cheeks, "Oh my god. No i've never even had friends before."

She's thankfully interrupted by the brains of our group, "How is this professional?" Bruce rubs his temples.

"Does it look like we're working?" Clint protests with relief.

"We've got free time till storm over here leaves." Tony says, "We should make most of the time we have together."

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