69. Isabelle's mind

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Finding the hideout was easier than expected. The walls I recognized even through the years molding and age. From time to time a memory would pop up, it all began making sense again. Majority of my childhood was with my parents, it's hazy from time passing but nothing alarming. Their deaths were later on and more memorable, not their powers as much. Just simple snowing and water slide moments that seems magical in the eyes of a child. But when they died and I was taken it all vanished. Walking through the halls I felt the ghosts of scientists and hydra. I recognized doors that led to Wandas home as well as other winter soldiers. Bucky was a acquaintance from training, he was manipulated like me so I assume he was tricked to hate me eventually. A flash of battles between soldiers shattered my mind. I remember being numb even talking to Wanda and Pietro about it. We all seemed ok with what was happening to us, thrilled and proud to be apart of this place. But apart of us never mentioned the pain of the brain control and sessions with Amara's mother. Steve pulled me back with a supportive grasp of my shoulder. My eyes shot up to him and I could sense his worry in his features. We stood outside the door of the place I killed Amaras mother, I sensed I'd kill again in the same room. It felt distant and haunting standing there but it was a worse sight when a slice of light peeked below the entrance.

"Looks like we have company." Rhodey broke the silence earning a slight chuckle from Tony.

"Should we knock?" Sam added softly behind us as I stared at the line of shine from under the door.

"Maybe I should be the one to go." I whisper, "You all wait here."

"Thats the last thing we need to be doing." Wanda approached with everyone who had finally made it.

"I agree with Wanda, we're a team." Steve nodded confidently.

"Are we gonna be forced to hear another inspirational speech?" Tony smirks and I ease in my stance.

"As long and time consuming as they are." I murmur glancing back at them finally, "I do like them." Steve grasps my shoulder tighter as he laughs before dropping his hand finally. A thump collides with the door and I'm suddenly stepping back. I collide with Steve who returns his hold of me. Though his face is completely confused with this sudden action. I hear the chanting from the other side of the room, the words I have to fight with mentally for control over my mind.

"What's happening Isabelle," Nat grabs my hand with hurriedly reaction. They can't hear them? After this realization I hear it complete with freight car and I squint my eyes fearfully. I expect loyalty to the other side to alter my values, I remember the truth being wiped from my head immediately. When nothing like that happens I open my eyes to see I'm placed in a white room. It's unfamiliar but seems peaceful compared to any others I've seen.

"You have to fight the mind control." A voice echos and I blink when I know the rooms empty. When I return I see Pietro before me. Tears sting my eyes when I realize this is a safe place.

"How do I do that." I beg slightly staring back at his pale face. I recognize this is an illusion and I'm starting to gather why I was brought here. I can picture Wandas quick panic and a twist of her hand making the mind control mute. I only wish I could power against it myself.

"And you will, Wanda was just acting without thinking." Pietro explains, "When it comes to you and me shes not at all thinking and more feeling."

"I wish I could stay here with you both." I sigh letting the stress roll down my back and onto the floor.

"You won't be getting your happy ending giving up and settling with what you have." Pietro lectures, "As much as I'd like for you to stay, Steve and everyone need you to hang on a while longer."

"You're right. I can't be selfish now." I nod returning my stance, not quite stiff but standing solid in one place. "All I have to do is block it like I did years ago. Piece of cake."

Pietro smiles softly and the room begins to warm at his presence when he says, "That's my girl."

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