29. Bickering

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Natasha and I parachute down onto the deck to join Steve and the rest.

Natasha continues the conversation, "She lives across the hall from you? And Isabelle can be kind of nice behind the anger."

"You will never see my nice side again Nat." I snap.

Steve avoids, "Secure the engine room, then figure out my date."

Nat defends with a joke, "I'm multitasking." I roll my eyes when Nat looks my way. We end up searching for pirates and stumble upon some. We fight, as we always do, and report back when we're finished. Nat replies to Steve's urgency claiming the engine room is secure. I follow Nat, mostly on look out. We slide into a room with computers. The two of us sneak toward it and Nat begins toying with the keys.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Isabelle, you told me years ago to never ever explain missions and to just inform you what to attack." Nat reminds.

"That was a long time ago." I click my tongue. Steve is heard in my ear piece asking for assistance which makes me grow concern, "Shouldn't we help him?"

"No he's a big boy. He's got this." Nat replies as she stares at the screen.

"He's got no idea you're on a side mission does he?" I glare at her confident nod.

And when Steve arrives she stays straight faced, "Well, this is awkward."

"What are you two doing?" Steve wonders angrily.

"I know just as much as you do, solider." I say innocently.

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." Nat explains.

"Rumlow needed your help." Steve reminds.

"I was following orders." I claim. Steve only gives me a side eye.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Steve goes over to Natasha and looks at what she is backing up. "You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D Intel." He reacts.

Natasha nods unfazed, "Whatever I can get my hands on.

Steve gets heated, "Our mission is to rescue hostages."

Nat opposes, "No. That's your mission." And she finishes and pulls the flash drive out.

"And you've done it beautifully." I compliment. Natasha goes to leave Steve grabs her arm.

Steve growls, "You just jeopardized this whole operation."

Nat replies, "I think that's overstating things." Suddenly we see a grenade at us three by a suspicious figure. Steve deflects the bomb with his shield, grabs me and jumps through a window before it explodes. Nat came jumping through with us elegantly.

Nats eyes are wide, "Okay. That one's on me."

"You're damn right." Steve huffs getting up in anger as well as I.

"Ok kids let's just cool down a little." I suggest.

"Says the Cold shoulder." Nat pretends to laugh making Steve pissed.

Steve battles, "We had a job that you just compromised. If you were just honest-"

"We're going back to honesty again? Steve, S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't stand for Strategic Honest Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate." I say obviously. "This is what I've been saying all these years."

"Not now Izzy." Steve snaps making me angry.

"Remember New York when I beat your ass under Loki's spell? Yeah I wasn't holding back." I threat, "Do you wanna reminisce?"

Nat has a reassuring stance, "Let's go back to headquarters in one piece. Your fight isn't with each other."

"She sure makes it that way." Steve remarks making my blood boil.

"You make it so easy." My voice is raising as we make our way far from battle.

Nat shushes me, "You both are like a bickering married couple and I'm the kid who's excited to leave when I go to college."

"Enough with the forced romantic atmosphere. It's not there." I bark.

"You two are completely out of tact. Captain Oblivious and incapable of feelings Isabelle everyone!" Nat bows as we get on our ride home. Me and Steve groan in unison. Nat is damn annoying.

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