56. Partner

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Steve and I moved from place to place until the avengers headquarters was available. That's where we crashed most of the time, as much as Steve wanted to return home. Boston. Which was always in the back of my head. I wanted him happy but some sort of jealousy rose within me. Nat always tells me how we should date and Clint never gives a moment without yelling "love birds." Is that what it means to like someone? Wanting them to go but wanting them to stay all at once? I sit in my room, it's completely white but when I shut the blinds it turns entirely black. I hear a knock as I close my curtains and I blush knowing what my recent thoughts were consisting of.

"Hello Isabelle..." Wanda murmurs softly as if not to wake me. But she is in no way shy.

"Oh I thought you were Steve." I release a held breath.

She smirks, "Did you want me to get him for you?"

I burn crimson as she snickers, "No! I just assumed..."

"Hmm." She still has a smirk as she glides into my room and sits on the bed, "Anyway-"

"Yes anyway. Thank you." I shake off the nervousness and sit next to her on the edge of my bed.

"I felt lonely, I don't know why I came... here." Wanda slumps a little.

"You lost your best friend, I understand." I nod knowingly.

"You're just the only person I know." She defends and I roll my eyes.

I try not to get mad, "I'm always around."

As I stroke her hair sisterly another knock appears, "You girls always are in here."

I laugh at Nat, "We could use another."

Wanda hesitates but agrees, "We're a team after all."

"I like what I'm hearing." Nat has a sly smile on her face as she leaps next to us. She hugs us both in a big sister fashion. This is a perfect moment in my book, three imperfect girls laughing with each other. The giggling vibrates our bodies as we hug closely in the dark. I didn't get along with Nat when we first met, Wanda the same. But I know we'll become close. Especially when I remember everything again.

"Izzy!" Steve's voice reaches me and I blink until I see him. Wanda and Nat shaking my body to return. I didn't even know I was gone. I'm so confused by the sudden switch. You see I go through phases of zoning out. But mine consist of scary flashbacks or hours of staring into redness. Nat usually screams for Tony or Steve, Wanda says she holds me till I come back.

"I'm ok." I wipe my tears, this time it was only 20 minutes of red. A cold breath on my neck. And static sounds piercing my ears. But it felt like just a few seconds, as these things usually go.

"I'm so sorry." Wanda bites her lip sadly, guilt floods her. Steve moved in order for her and Nat to make sure I was alright.

"Don't apologize, it was only 20 minutes." I exhale as if I was exhausted from running too long. They give me some space when they know I'm just emotionally strained.

"20 minutes is a long time." Steve reasons sternly as he stands not too far from me.

"It's not hours." I return, not too coldly. Steve and I stare at each other with both concern and irritation. When I realize the long gaze I blush and turn my sight somewhere else.

"Can you leave us alone." Steve requests Nat and Wanda. They do as their told after squeezing my hand one last time. They slowly exit and Steve kneels on the floor in front of my bed. Just where he had been calling for me before. He holds my thighs together. He relaxes his posture and drops his head against my lap. I run my hands through his hair as he shakes slightly.

"I'm ok now, Steve." I whisper warmly as my hands have strands of his hair gliding against them. I brush through it soothingly as he relaxes even more by my touch.

"I hate seeing you go through that." Steve exhales. He raises his head, hair now messy. His face looks tired and concerned as mine does for him.

"I hate seeing you like this." I reply, "You don't have to fret every time I have a moment like that."

"I just..." Steve pets my thighs until he slips upward to hug me. His head gently resting on my chest, body between my thighs.

"I know, Solider." I smile slightly, "You hate seeing a teammate at their worst."

"You aren't just a teammate, Izzy." Steve hugs tighter before coming up to my face, "You're my partner."

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