53. Coming for you Ultron

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"No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. It's gonna be blood on the floor." Tony tells Steve as I walk in. They're sitting and chatting so they haven't noticed me ready in uniform. The costume seems to be whiter then I remember, my shoulders poking out and my collarbones revealed.

Steve replies to Tony, "I got no plans tomorrow night."

"But you could." I tease as I sit with them, pulling my boots up my calve.

"I get first crack at the big guy. Iron Man's the one he's waiting for." Tony says.

Vision walks past out of no where, "That's true, he hates you the most."

I laugh, "Family feud."

Steve interrupts, "Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out."

"Of course we will. We're on it." I tell confidently. I adjust my white boots again before we enter the jet, we're all suit up and a little anxious so Steve continues his speech. It really helps us, I sit in the jets comfortable seat while staring in awe.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve lectures.

We arrive and Tony flies toward a church while we escape the jet, "Where's he off to?" I complain.

"The fight starts now, Tony probably found Ultron already." Steve informs. We stomp around on edge of what's to come. In the process of helping citizens leave the area I become weary.

"I hope Tony is ok." I blurt.

Steve looks at me, "He's got all that tech, he'll be alright."

"I have an uneasy feeling." I murmur as Steve places his big palm on my shoulder.

I blush as he assures, "You and Tony aren't going to be alone. We are going to fight this."

The ground beneath us begins to rock and I gulp, "I hope you're right." With that an army of robots start attacking the city as everyone is evacuating.

Steve pulls his hand away and shouts, "Go!"

"Get off the bridge! Run!" Wanda alerts the civilians, I look at her for a long while. The brunette hours before was my enemy, I see someone different standing before me. Maybe she was there all along?

The earth around Sokovia starts to shake and break gradually, "Heads up!" I roar as I avoid cracks that form.

Tony informs us from our earpieces, "Cap, you got incoming."

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely." Steve orders, "The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Classic Steve." I smirk as I attack some robots. "These guys are almost as ugly as Tony."

Steve detaches a robot head and laughs, "Iron man you mean?"

"Hey you guys can't talk shit during battle. Has some respect." Tony barks sarcastically.

"Language. Have some respect yourself billionaire." I snort while copying Steve's detaching move. A bridge is collapsing not too far away and we sprint to the edge. Two cars are fearfully close to the drop. We hear whimpering as the ground shakes and sends them over.

"I got you! Just look at me." Steve grabs a women before she falls, he dangles her as the car drops.

"You're ok now, follow the others to safety." I inform the huffing women after Steve lifts her back to ground. We're floating higher and higher off the ground now, my nerves start to kick in at the thought of the fall.

Ultron's voice startles me, "You can't save them all. You'll never..." But he stops because Steve throws the robot off the edge.

"You'll never what? You didn't finish" Thor lands on the bridge on the top of the woman's car he was saving while Steve jokes.

"What, were you napping?" I chuckle toward Thor.

"Alright, we're all clear here." Clint echos in my ears as I'm suddenly being choked by a robot. It had thrown itself at me moments before.

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve's fighting as well, he gives me worried looks until I eliminate the vicious robot.

Clint understands, "Alright, coming to you."

"Romanoff!" Steve throws his shield at Nat so she can use it to protect herself from the attacking robot. I beam at the sight of my "not anymore captured" friend.

Nat exhales, "Thanks."

"Decided to finally show up?" I snicker.

"Ha. Ha." Nat glares playfully, "I needed a vacation from you."

"Touché." I raise my palms up in defeat.

"The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?" Steve huffs as he communicates to Tony.

Tony replies, "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve grits his teeth a little and I sigh.

"Is there another way?" I question foolishly.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice." Tony replies.

"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..." Nat joins in. She has a point.

"Not 'til everyone's safe." Steve snaps back quickly.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." Nat grows irritated.

Steve presses, "I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

"I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" Nat glances at the view, it is beautiful but theres a sadness to it. Like we shouldn't be able to see it at all. Bad circumstances.

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." Nick Fury's voice interrupts us and a helicarrier appears, "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

"Brings me back." I giggle with happiness.

Steve mirrors my relief, "Fury, you son of a bitch."

Nick laughs, "Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing." Maria tells through the earpiece seriously.

Specialist Cameron Klein informs as well, "Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in three, two...take 'em out."

Pietros eyes sparkle like a child as he watches, "This is S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Steve nods, "This is what S.H.I.E.L.D's supposed to be."

Pietro grins, "This is not so bad."

"It gets better." I reply smiling at the twin.

Steve orders, "Let's load 'em up."

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