70. Isabelle's reality

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Everyone cursing to themselves as the thudding becomes apparent to all of them now. But the words disappeared, I'm assuming when I undid the control Amara grew angry. A sudden strength filled my being as I stared at the irregular door.

"Wanda why would you do that?" Sam asked confused and unaware of my mental return.

"She followed her instinct." I told as I turned around. "When the mind control code was being spoken she didn't wanna risk me being controlled again. So she placed me under her power to protect me."

Wanda hesitated, humbled by the explanation she didn't understand it, "That's not why I did it."

"But you heard the thudding and the code being repeated. You saw me about to be controlled so you took my mind somewhere else." I defend in confusion, "Why else would you..."

"After we got here you stopped before walking into the room you turned to us and started attacking." Nat explained with a couple of grunts, "We didn't have time to catch Amara who stole the equipment and ran past you. You did nothing."


"We're a team." Steve nodded confidently.

"Are we gonna be forced to hear another inspirational speech?" Tony smirks and I ease in my stance.

"As long and time consuming as they are." I murmur glancing back at them finally, "I do like them." Steve grasps my shoulder tighter as he laughs before dropping his hand finally. A thump collides with the door and I'm suddenly stepping back. I collide with Steve who returns his hold of me. Though his face is completely confused with this sudden action. I blink a couple of times and the code sinks in once without fail. I turn around and slam my fist into Steve who is caught off guard. He stumbles back a little and holds his jaw. Wanda uses her powers to hold me back before I can continue. When my wrists and ankles are restrained I curse and thrash my body around. My wrists are pulled behind my back like handcuffs until I jump over them and swing them both at Steve again. He throws all his strength at me and pins me to the door. The abnormality being my figure permanently denting the door. I couldn't move thanks to Steve and Wandas power but they were still distracted enough.

"Get ahold of yourself!" Steve screamed at me, "Remember you're under hydras control!"

"Hail Hydra." I said through gritted teeth. An echo roars behind everyone the same words and we all turn our attention to Amara who is grinning evilly. Her in my sight I feel the itch under my scalp and the ringing in my ears.

"Thanks fool." Amara winks as she displays a device in her hand with pride. I clutch a handful of hair where the twitching occurs and I begin to destroy the control. I mirror the power I obtained in what I thought was Wandas magic just the same time. Amara clicks the device but I've already shielded my brain as I told Pietro. My eyes turn blue and I glare at Amara who's slowly panicking.

"That's my girl." Steve smiles as he notices my sudden calmness. He relaxes his pin and Wanda releases my ankles and wrists. But before I can return from my imagination Amara sets off an unknown bomb out of fear and we're thrown backward. That's when I'm brought back to reality and Pietro is gone. I open my eyes oblivious to what's been done. Everyone starts cursing and I stand up with a groan. The power still flows through me from the sudden destruction of mind control. And I turn toward my friends unaware of this reality until it's explained.

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