73. Oh no Wanda

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"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve tells us through the earpieces as I lift myself up from the ground. I enter through the window I already sent Steve through, glass slicing my arms and legs slightly as I pass through.

"Where'd he go?" I question Steve as I walk up to him quickly.

"Izzy you shouldn't be up here." Steve gives me a disappointed look.

I cross my arms, "Wanda got rid of the gas. I'm not made of glass."

"Ice is like glass though." He adds emphasizing the comparison with gestures.

I snort as I lay out my palm then creating snowflakes, "My ice isn't delicate."

"Fair enough." Steve rolls his eyes and gestures me to follow him. We check around quickly and then hurry to the balcony to check outside. I curse as Rumlow is aiming a mounted grenade launcher toward both of us. Steve lifts his shield as fast as the speed of light while also covering me. When the grenade hits Steve's shield we're thrown back. We finally stand but before we can sturdy ourselves Rumlow hits us twice and we're sent out a window. Steve slams into a few things and flips till the ground meets his back. I try grasping the ceiling mid fall and barely hold on.

"Sam. He's in an AFV heading north." Steve says after he slowly rises up. I groan as my knuckles turn white from my strong grasp on the roofs edge. I lift my dangled feet with my wind powers and float down to Steve to help him up.

"You ok? You got hit in the head like twice." I delicately lay my palm against his head and brush it. Steve flusters at my touch, "Did that hurt?"

"Not at all, but we should get going as quickly as possible and follow their truck." Steve avoids stepping backward out of bashfulness.

"We'll get Rumlow. Let's just go." I said a little hurt earning a raised eyebrow from Steve. But It's too late to discuss, I'm flying and darting toward the battle. Steve sprints to catch up, getting closer to a crowd of terrorized people. Steve jumps and rolls off some cars to arrive at the source of the gasping while I land beside him.

Steve crouches near the black gear laying on the ground, "They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload."

A bomb is thrown and it magnifies to Steve's red white and blue protection, "Throw it!" I shriek.

After Steve tosses it in the air it goes off but during the distraction Rumlow appears punching Steve in the back, "There you are, you son of a bitch. I've been waiting for this!"

After Steve crashes into a table I get in front of Rumlow who easily tosses me aside to punch Steve in the chest, making me yell, "Stop it!"

"You aren't my boss anymore freak." Rumlow growls back at me. I stand strongly glaring at the enemy. The air around my hands swirl and a small tornado spins till it's quite large. The pedestrians scatter away so I try to be sure to scoop Rumlow up and no one else. Before he can attack Steve again he's spun like a child is during piñata.

"You might get a little dizzy after this, warning of nausea." I grin deviously as he gargles his spit in anger.

"Your tricks were never funny Isabelle." He grasps for my wrist but misses and grabs my hair.

He flings me away and I yelp, "Neither were yours!" I slam my palm against the ground and an arrow of snow sweep the floor. It grows up Rumlows legs when it catches his feet. When he kicks more snow begins to bury him. It crawls up him in clumps and he grows irritated.

"This isn't even clever!" Rumlow shouts trying to stomp his heavy weighed feet toward me.

When I see Steve behind me wink I melt the snow and forward roll away, "I'm bored!!!"

"I got next shift." Steve calls as Rumlow slips on the puddle a little before him and Steve continue with a fist fight.

Rumlow grumbles, "Come on!" The punches make Steve hit a wall and a couple of tables in the way, I get worried as he is back to back with the wall.

I aim my icicles at Rumlow, "Not bored anymore!" But he doesn't stop so I shoot.

"Shut up kid!" Rumlow pins Steve to a building and extends a blade from one of his gauntlets even when shot, "This is for dropping a building on my face."

Steve grabs Rumlow's arm and pulls the gauntlet off, only for Rumlow to reveal another knife, "Look out!" I call as I rush over.

I push the icicles in as Steve gets Rumlow to his knees, "I think I look pretty good, all things considered." Rumlow breaths as he rips off his mask.

Steve threatens, "Who's your buyer?"

Rumlow ignores him so I push the icicles fully into his back, "You know, he knew you. You pal, your buddy, your Bucky. Isabelle even knows about it too."

Steve hesitates watching Rumlow growl in pain from the impact, "What did you say?"

Rumlow continued anyway, "He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something." Rumlow seems pleases as he suspiciously wiggles, "He said to me, "Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go." And you're coming with me."

"Steve move!" I command as an explosive activates on Rumlow's chest but the bomb suddenly stays within a red containment made by Wanda. I rejoice as she lifts Rumlow into the air. But soon she can't control it, I aim my hands to help but it's too late when the explosion expands toward a building. It's like fire is leaping along as far as it can go, there's no end. I unfreeze in my shocked place and extend my arm toward the hell thats formed. I spray a thick amount of water at the bright flames, lifting myself as close as possible to it in order to rid them. But they never calm down as much as I will my gushing water at it.

"Oh my..." Steve stares up, open mouthed, he stumbles back when I raise a second hand. He communicates to the others, "Sam... We need... Fire and Rescue... on the south side of the building. We gotta get up there."

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