40. Controlled

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We're notified about the trending S.H.I.E.L.D intel which pisses Pierce off to reveal that Nat is truly in danger, "Unless you want two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down. That was armed the moment you pinned it on." He threats, "Let me talk to Isabelle."


Bucky stabs me in the shoulder with his knife and then grabs the fallen chip. Steve manages to get the knife out of me, grab Bucky by the throat and throw him down.

Steve armlocks him and screams, "Drop it! Drop it!" Steve breaks his arm and holds onto his throat until he passes out. Bucky lets go of the chip.

"Go!" I yelp a little, not knowing whether to aid my shoulder or my head. Steve grabs the chip and rushes off when I convince him to. Every time Bucky hits me I remember Hydra more and more. But it's only flashes. It reminds me all too well of Loki's control. I just know that it's linked to Hydra. I gotta talk to Pierce. I gotta find Bucky. I get the hell up and scan the area.

"One minute." Hill reminds, "Thirty seconds, Cap!"

Steve notifies, "Stand by." I limp to where Steve is and Bucky is there. They're battling it out again.

"They're going to kill people, Bucky." I manage to speak and I press against my shoulder wound, "If you know me you know we gotta stop this."

"You betrayed Hydra." Bucky sounds robotic and emotionless.

I stare at him, "Please, my friends are in danger."

"I owe you nothing." Bucky tells simply aiming his gun at me. Steve gets up and place the chip in the Helicarrier's targeting blade overriding the system and locking it down.

Steve says, "Charlie locked."

"Okay guys, get out of there." Hill then gets the Helicarriers weapon targets to open fire upon each other.

Steve pleads, "Fire now."

"But, Steve..." Maria is concerned, "Isabelle's there."

"Do it! Do it now!" I exclaim exhausted. The Helicarriers begin to destroy each other. One Helicarrier crashes into a dam beneath the Triskelion. But luckily Nat gets Sam. Everyone but us are safe. We're still on the third Helicarrier. It shakes and moves and we begin to come closer to the water.

"You know me." Steve says, "You know Isabelle too."

"No, I don't!" Bucky denies, "Isabelle is not a friend of mine."

Steve assures, "Bucky, you've known me your whole life." Bucky hits Steve but Steve chooses not to fight back, "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes."

"Shut up!" Steve takes off his mask and drops his shield out of the Helicarrier.

Bucky continues to hit Steve and I approach as calmly as possible, "You were under hydras spell! I know it. Even though you killed my parents."

"You don't know me." Bucky punches and whines like a child, he denies his actions. I grab his metal arm but it pushes me back.

Steve is hit once again, "I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend."

Bucky pins Cap to the ground, "You're my mission." He aggressively punches Steve repeatedly across the face. "You're my mission!"

Steve is quiet, "Then finish it." Bucky hesitates holding his fist up, "Cause I'm with you to the end of the line."

"Don't do this." I beg not able to watch but unable to fight. I'm so confused. Steve would hate me if I hurt Bucky. But I wanna help Steve. The bottom of the Helicarrier falls and turbulence is rocky. Its too late. It's so bad that it sends Steve down into the river below. "Steve!!"

I curse as I look at Bucky angrily, "You should've done something." He teases and inflames my rage.

"Are you being controlled right now?" I hiss as I aim my guns at him.

"How about you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I don't remember anything about Hydra." I reply.

"And I don't remember anything about Steve." Bucky hesitates, "That was... Steve?"

I lower my weapon, "Yes. It was Steve."

"God." He whispers slightly gaining a look from me.

"We both can help each other understand our pasts, Bucky." I'm shocked at myself but yet I say, "After we help Steve."

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