87. Wakanda forever

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Carriers hover over the ground of where the battle will most likely take place. Sam, Rhodey and I fly overheard and I make sure to keep an eye on Steve.

We exchange loving looks as Nat questions Bruce who is inside the Hulk Iron Man suit, "How we looking, Bruce?"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-" Bruce stumbles and falls in the suit after leaping randomly, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodey informs as we fly toward the dome wall.

"MAYEFA YA HU! MAYEFA YA HU! MAYEFA YA HU! MAYEFA YA HU! MAYEFA YA HU!" A man rallies his soldiers with a war chant as others are dropped off from the carriers. We also get off and take a moment of the area we're in currently. The same alien girl stands on the edge of the barrier on the other side teasing it with her sword. Nat, T'Challa, Steve and I stride closer to the edge of the barrier tensely seeing she's accompanied with a large uglier alien.

"Where's your other friend?" Nat teases from the protected side of the wall.

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone." The alien girl threatens confidently and unfazed.

Steve replies maturely, "That's not gonna happen."

"We've beaten you before." I put simply to annoy her.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood." T'Challa tells coldly and I grin.

"We... have blood to spare." She waves her sword and the ships behind her start releasing animal aliens.

"I'd be unsettled but those are disgusting." I stare with my mouth a gap. As they come closer we make eye contact and start heading back to the others.

When we approach the group of warriors again Bucky questions, "Did they surrender?"

"Not exactly." Steve replies upset.

"Yibambe!" T'Challa chants as the enemy approaches closer and closer and trees shiver as the beasts hit against them.

"What the hell." Bucky is shocked as he sees the amount coming our way.

"Looks like we pissed her off." Nat observes and I nod.

The alien dogs hit themselves against the field, limbs come through only to be cut off completely from their bodies, "They're killing themselves."

Some slip in with burned skin but charge forward so the army creates shields to protect ourselves. Suddenly the battlefield is being blasted by the army and Rhodey and Sam's weapons, "You seen the teeth on those things?" Sam notices mid flight.

"Alright, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed." He flies over a large group of wild aliens and drops bombs from his suit.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us... there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce tells as aliens surround the dome.

"Then we better keep 'em in front of us." Steve replies gloomily.

Steve hesitates to glance my way with warning eyes. I look at Steve nervously as I float slowly a little off the ground as T'Challa announces, "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

"Steve." I hold his gaze knowing how horrid this battle will be. A blast shrieks in my ear as I tell him quietly, "I'm in love with you."

"I love you too." Steve could hear my declaration through the chaos and time feels still for a couple of seconds. When another tiny explosion sets off we cut off our eye contact and Steve readies his hand guards. The shields of the Wakanda warriors disappear as T'Challa stands before them proudly.

"Wakanda forever!" He crosses his arms in the Wakandan salute and his Black Panther helmet covers his face. Within a few steps he's suddenly charging for the barrier. "Now!"

The enemy pours through as the border opens a slit of the way. I gulp as I watch and start zooming in flight toward them. Steve and T'Challa leap up in front of the crowd of hero's and jump into the pile of aliens. I create a sword of thick cutting ice and shout, "Is Vision doing alright?!"

Over his comm T'Challa asks as curiously as me, "How much longer, Shuri?"

"We've barely begun, brother." Shuri rings in my ear piece, "I could use your help Isabelle."

"You haven't seen what's going on down here have you?" I chuckle oddly as I stab through an alien beast, blood drips from the blade making me swallow vomit.

"You might want to pick up the pace." The king suggest to his sister and I quickly spin to slice another alien coming from behind.

"How did I get you to convince me to let you fight with us." Steve sighs into the comm.

"Cause of my charm!" I exhale while flying fast and close to the ground. I begin shouting as I stab through a couple of aliens mid flight. They twitch in a line against my sword like a kebab. I flick the sword back and they toss behind me as I dart through the lower sky. With a flip I land my feet on the ground and throw my sword toward alien and stab it through the chest. It falls with a thud and I stomp my foot creating the Wakanda ground as a skating rink. "Look out, might get slippery!"

"Great heads up!" Nat complains and I see in my peripherals her slip but she catches herself elegantly with a swift kick to another alien. The other avengers adjust correctly and I lift my palms parallel to the ground making the ice thicker and thicker off the ground.

"If I made this a water park that'd be bad right?" I joke and the rest groan in annoyance. With a flick of my wrist I focus on allowing the ice grasp only the enemy. Floating up I scan the area and allow my thick ice to consume the wild aliens. Some fight it off and crack through but most are slain by the other avengers when they're completely helpless to the shell of ice. Grinning I see them shatter to the ground and with a swift hand movement the ice deflates when it's done capturing the enemy.

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