31. Assassin

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Steve and I live extremely close to each other. I decided to head home earlier cause of chores and I couldn't be comfortable with war talk with him and Sam any longer. Steve was still talking to Sam when I left. By the time he's home I am bringing up the laundry. Before he enters his room he looks back at me.

Steve blushes before offering, "Hey, if you want...if you want, you're welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement."

I chuckle, "Oh, yeah? What's it cost?" I say with a wink.

Steve suggests, "A cup of coffee?"

"Thank you, but I already finished a load in downstairs." I explain with crimson cheeks.

"Ah, well, Next time." Steve replies softly.

"But I'm up for coffee anytime. I'm right next door." Steve nods shyly and turns to go into his apartment but I stop him, "Oh, and I think you left your stereo on. Didn't know you were into that stuff."

Steve stops surprised, "Oh. I don't remember turning anything on..."

I place my basket in my apartment entrance and silently close the door, "Maybe you left it on and just don't remember?" We are turning in suspicion to his door. Steve hears music as he cautiously enters his apartment, he grabs his shield for protection. I lurk behind him until we find Fury sitting on his couch in the dark.

Steve gets irritated, "I don't remember giving you a key."

Nick smiles in the dark, or at least that's what it sounds like. He explains, "You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out."

I am taken back, "Didn't know you were married."

"A lot of things you don't about me." He responds.

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." I snap a little. Steve turns on the light he notices Fury's injuries for the first time, but Fury indicates for him to be silent. Nick turns off the light and writes something on his phone and shows it to us. Ears everywhere.

Nick pretends, "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash." He then writes another text and shows it to us claiming shield is compromised. Hydra?

Steve replies with this act, "Who else knows about your wife?" Fury shows him another text just saying the three of us know. Shit.

"Just...my friends." Nick replies smiling slightly with this fake conversation. Is it a distraction? Are we in danger?

I question the "friends" comment, "Is that what we are?"

"That's up to you." Nick looks at me, I can't read the emotions in his eyes. Then suddenly Fury is shot about three times from through the wall and collapses. Steve looks out the window for the shooter while I quickly drag Fury to the next room. Before I leave Fury hands me a flash drive, it's placed in my hands shakily. Fury says before he passes out, "Don't...trust anyone."

"Fury is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs." I claim thinking to call S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe it's a bad idea but Hill or Nat could be a good help right now. So I call them and explain just that.

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" An agent replies. Steve notices the shooter though the window and notifies me.

Steve speaks, "Tell him I'm in pursuit."

"No tell them I'm in pursuit." I slam the communicator into Steve's chest. I smash through his window and I runs after the assassin.

"Izzy! Don't!" I hear Steve call for me but I ignore. I chase the mysterious man through an office building smashing through the walls. Anything in my way crumbles behind me. When I finally catch up with this man on the roof Steve's shield is thrown at the assassin. But the man catches it with one swift move, then throws it back to Steve. Steve stumbles back while I bolt at him. The assassin jumps down the building, when I check he has disappeared.

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