9. Phil

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I held onto Tony tightly, still shocked he saved me in time. We made it back in what felt like seconds. Not enough time to process. I can't even begin to list the things that just happened in less than 30 minutes. Tony gently placed me where I was seconds ago. I can see the damn cord. Tony pulls me back to reality when he grabs my solider gently.

"Hey kid, you alright?" He has pure worry in his tired eyes. I look into them as I nod.

"I gotta stop falling, don't I?" I smirk awkwardly, a fake chuckle escaping my lips.

"Why did you do that?" Steves soft voice questions, a hint of irritation in his concern. He looks hurt.

I shrug, "it was the only thing that would get you to get the job done, solider." I sound harsh as the words come out which only makes things worse. Steve shakes his head and looks down.

"Damn Shortie, I have never liked you more." Tony says cheekily pissing Steve off.

"Were you not concerned for her at all?!" Steve barks.

"I had no idea she was in danger because I was too busy being tossed around." Tony snaps, "No thanks to you," He adds smirking cockily.

"Being tossed around isn't new to you is it, Tony?" I add trying to ease the tension. He laughs knowing of his past and ego. The anger cools down after that. All our tenseness releasing as we take a moment of silence. We hear that Coulson is down shortly after and we glance at one another blankly. We slowly get up and enter the ship again. I feel awkward with the two of them now. They constantly fight, it didn't help that I was the reason this time. Steve looks back at me slightly, he's in front of me as we get closer to where the others are joined. Tony is in front of Steve and continues moving forward while Steve slows down to walk next to me.

"This is the second time you scared me, ma'am, you can not choose a path risking your life aimlessly." Steve lectures. He sounds like a goddamn grandpa.

"You did the same thing." I spit. He's quiet now recalling his actions back in the 1940s.

"Understand," his stern words catch my breath and his gaze makes me feel a trace of goosebumps on my skin, "Your life is too precious." I look away and walk faster. Jesus. I feel his eyes on the back of my head, I feel more than just anger. I mean, I did put a gun to my head the first time we met. I do tend to take questionable choices but this time I feel was different than before. I was trying to help Tony and Steve. I don't understand why he can't see that. We sit at the table silently remembering how much we've lost.

"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them." I see only glossed eyes from the people I'm surrounded by. I'm taken back when Nick throw cards onto the glass table as I sit. Blood covers the classic Captain America collectibles. I glance at Steve. Nick continues and I block most of him out. He explains our situation. It's bad. Tony can't take it anymore and he stands to his feet. I stand as well following him.

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