5. Fall

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I sit tiredly across from Loki. I feel his eyes on me but decide to avoid the god of mischief.

"I don't like it." Steve finally speaks. The air was awkward and still is.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony replies. He has this attitude, I've always heard he was like this. Being able to see it with my own eyes is something I can't grasp.

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop." Steve seemed confused and concerned. His polite voice was getting annoying. I couldn't help but compare the two of them to children.

But Steve has a point, "It is kind of fishy..." I agree. I mean he may be insane but he's got a plan never less. A god can't be that foolish. I glance at Loki and shiver as his gaze rests on me still.

"Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony ignores us making me bite my tongue roughly.

"What?" Steve, confused, asks.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." Steve looks at Tony, finally meeting his ego match.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Steve irritatedly responds.

"Yeah there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony kind of has a point which makes me huff and then chuckle to myself. I earn a glad smirk from Tony. Thunder and lightning skim the jet, making it shake and swish rapidly.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha comments.

"It wasn't even drizzling a second ago." I raise an eyebrow. Thunder rumbles overhead and Loki stares out the window intently. He finally is not staring at me.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve smirks though he's also unsettled.

"Or thunder." I add, Steve glances at me for a slight second before returning his focus on the god of mischief.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." I approach him as he replies.

"What follows?" I firmly ask. A blind light hits the jet. As I stare at Loki threateningly I recall the mighty Thor and I stiffen. As if on cue Thor forces open the ramp and grabs Loki by the throat. But before Thor flies out. Loki kicks at me and pulls me out with his legs. Thor and Loki flew out leaving me to fall. I grab for Loki's legs or even the jet to save me but nothing comes of it. I am falling.

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