99. Elevator

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Readjusting from the quantum realm was difficult. Nothing was painful but it all was a rush. I blinked a little from the lightheaded feeling and leaned against a abandoned car. After a few seconds I was fine.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." Steve ordered.

Hulk passes by them, smashing everything in his way. Bruce puts his hand on his face, embarrassed. I bite my lip from laughing, "Wow..."

"Feel free to smash a few things along the way." Steve encourages.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce rips off his clothes to exit the alleyway. He sarcastically slams his chest and grunts pathetically. Bruce dents a car and throws a motorbike with no enthusiasm making us stare pitifully.

"Let's head to Stark Tower." Steve nods and we follow him carefully. Scott becomes small and hangs onto Tony before he lifts off. Steve and I slowly exit the alley ourselves. Ash floats in the air and crumbled building lays a thick layer above the roads. We step over them as best we can while making our way to the tower.

"I could fly us there, you know..." I suggest and Steve shakes his head on edge.

"You didn't have your powers till much later." He looks back to me for a moment, scanning me up and down.

"Hey!" I snap and his eyes light up. The smile in his eyes fight to curl on his lips but he shakes it off.

"Now that you mention it you look nothing like you did in 2012..." Steve looks ahead worriedly as we continue forward. The only thing that remains the same is my eyes now. But other than that I look like I was stuck in a refrigerator for too long. I had brought my old clothes, somehow saved it within the years. The pastel top and boots were looser on me. Steve looked identical to his past self while I looked like a fraternal twin. I had once gone invisible during a battle, maybe I could use that to alter my appearance.

"How about now?" I asked after a couple moments of adjusting. Steve turned to look me up and down again. His eyes slid slower and his cheeks flared.

"Perfect.." he coughed out before returning forward. The towers just ahead and I clench my jaw as we slip in a more private entrance.

"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Tony informs us through an earpiece.

"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." Steve answers and check our surroundings as we walk down a empty hallway. We're getting closer and closer and all I'm wondering is where all the people are.

"Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass." Tony says and I chuckle.

"No one asked you to look, Tony." Steve groaned with seriousness.

"It's ridiculous." Tony muttered as if I was the only person on the ear piece, "How did you like him Shortie?"

"Stop calling me that and..." I rolled my eyes, "Shut it."

"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." Scott admires and I groan in annoyance.

"Can we focus up?" I quietly order. Turning to Steve I huff, "Why were we teamed up with them?"

"All right, Cap. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor." Tony announces and we tense as we approach the elevator.

"On it. Head to the lobby." Steve commands.

"Alright. I'll see you there." Tony replies.

I look at Steve worriedly, "Do we... press the button or..."

"Yes, it looks like they're coming to us." Steve notices and I nod. The elevator opens and Hydra agents see the two of us on the other side. We confidently enter and Steve hits the down button.

"Captain. I thought you were coordinating search and rescue?" Sitwell asks nervously, I couldn't believe we could see him again after what happened...

"Change of plans." Steve replies simply.

"Isabelle too?" Sitwell almost gulped trying to compliment. "You're quite the team."

"Lovebirds, as Clint says." I keep a straight face and don't have to act annoyed at the tease.

Rumlow hesitated, "Hey, Cap."

"Rumlow." Steves jaw clenched, "I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter."

"Sir? I don't understand." Sitwell feels uneasy.

"We got word there may be an attempt to steal it." Steve half fibs.

"Apparently a lot more people want it than we thought." I stretch it flatly, "We're gonna protect it for now."

"Sorry, Cap. I can't give you the scepter." Rumlow argues and I stiffen thinking of Pietro and Wanda. The scepter would go there if we didn't take it. But if we didn't bring back the scepter after stealing it then we wouldn't reunite with them either.

"I'm gonna have to call the Director." Sitwell stammers.

"That's okay. Trust me." Steve leans over to Sitwell's ear and everyone goes wild with suspicion, "Hail Hydra."

I smirk at Steve's plan as Rumlow exhales, "Cap..?"

"Hail Hydra." Everyone is surprised at my words and I give them a knowing look. My eyes sparkle evilly as I resurface memories of when hydra had me under control. They give it over after a couple of nervous exchanges, as if they knew all along of my past. Steve walks out of the elevator with the scepter in hand and a smile. I follow without looking back at them. My spine is straight with confidence as Steve grips tighter on the case.

When the elevator closed Steve grinned at me, "And that's why we were partnered up."

"You're a genius." I wink, not at all mad.

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