68. Searching for Amara

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"Maybe this is good, I can aim all this chaotic power at Amara and kill her." I defend.

"Not wise, you'd be putting yourself and us in danger that way." Tony replies, "We can handle her and deal with you later."

"This is my fight." I attempt to stand but my knees buckle with a odd icicle snap. "You guys are just giving me a lift.

"You aren't in the condition, frostbite isn't taken unaccounted for." Tony jokes and Steve glares grabbing my freezing hands.

I flush at his touch and my hands turn from blue to pink as if I ran it under a hot sink, "We'll help you defeat her, this time you're on our side so we're sure to win."

Steve's words ease me and I feel myself melt, "Alright alright. You got me."

"Well you aren't blue anymore, good job Steve." Nat snickers and I turn red though I wish I would stay blue.

"Clint are we any closer?" I demand awkwardly peering away from Steve face.

"We just need to figure out where it is but I can say we're in the area you mentioned now, Isabelle." Clint tells.

"Good enough for me," I turn to Steve and kiss his cheek swiftly before charging toward an exit.

"Dear lord Isabelle don't make stupid decisions now." Tony stumbles to get into his Iron Man suit on. Steve grabs his shield and begins arguing with Tony about his wording.

"There's only one way to find this place and it's down." I smirk, unafraid. Tony stands beside me now suited and ready.

"Dare you to jump first." Tony teases.

"If she jumps I'll push you." Steve threatens but I grasp his hand tightly.

"Dare expected! See you down there Clint!" I fling the two of us out the now opened door. I hear Clint's cursing, Wanda and Nat's debating and Tony's laughter slowly grow distant.

"You're crazy!" Steve holds on tight as we fall.

"About you, yes." I beam as I suddenly catch us in our fall. Using my hands I slow down the pace and glide us through the wind. Steve grabs me by the waist nervously making me turn crimson.

As we fly down Tony manages to find us midst the chaos, "I don't really like calling you love birds anymore since it's gotten old. But you aren't flying so I guess it fits."

"You're getting worse at your teasing, Tony." I defend giving him a quick middle finger.

"Don't encourage him." Steve pulls my arm down to hide the profound action. I giggle before I continue scanning the area.

"Do you recognize anything?" Tony asks as he flies beside us. I watch the ground and only simple or destroyed buildings stand below. I close my eyes for a second trying to picture the same building from the illusion. I imagine whats around it and try recalling every tree standing beside it.

"It's near a forest." I open my eyes and direct myself toward more trees.

"Clint should be following us with Wanda and Nat." Tony replies.

"And they are a little while behind us!" Rhodey and Sam gain speed, joining us.

"Thanks for ditching us Isabelle." Sam scrunches up his nose as he kids around.

"Oh I'm sorry that Tony and I are quicker than you." I defend jokingly.

"On your left." Steve coughs out obviously and Sam groans. We glide across the wind and I ignore their discussion as I recognize the area. Forests line randomly on the dying grass, their seems to be no sign of life.

"Clint and the rest are headed our way." Rhodey informs as he glances my way.

"Good, cause we're here." I cut my path and land toward the ground with Steve hanging at my side. We are a couple of miles from the building, I'm sure. I want to sneak up to it, assuring our safety first. Steve clenches my waist with concern, breaking my focus on the direction of the old hideout.

"Is this really it?" Steve releases me when I nod in answer. We stand for a moment out of hesitance and stare forward at the dull green forest ahead. With a thud Tony and the rest land beside us and I take a few careful steps forward.

I recall the stillness of the forest and the drop of my heart. It's like I'm reliving the images that resurfaced hours ago. Steve rests a hand on my shoulder, reminding me that he's there with me. I let out a shaken exhale as I command, "Follow me."

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