chapter 3

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laxus pov

the target had stopped by another apartment building before taking off again. "i think its safe to assume that is his actual apartment," commented mirajane. we waited a few minutes before she took off after him.

the guy had driven for a while before stopping in front of a huge mansion. he parked the car and walked right up to the front door. mirajane had to park quite the distance away to not be noticed by the target. she handed me the other pair of binoculars. we looked closer. "the target seems to be meeting with someone," she said. a blond haired man and a huge burly green haired guy came to answer the door. they chatted with the target for a few minutes. "damn laxus!! you should have remembered to bring the audio equipment!" she grunted in frustration. it was my job. she is the one in charge of special tech for our whole department. i may work a lot but i only do what i get paid for. the men all filed inside. "shit! we cant afford to get any closer. we will definitely get noticed," she complained. "i guess we will have to wait," i said.


reader pov



is this chris?


hello! im sting calling about your resume i received. is this a good time?


great. i was just looking over your resume and i think you would fit in well here. id love to know when you can come in for an interview

whenever is good for you. im free all week

well love if you could come in around 5 today to chat for a little bit

sounds like a plan. where do i go?

ill send you the address via email. ill see you in a bit


***end call***

"was that them?" i just nodded. "gotta be there by 5 for the interview," i said. she nodded. i glanced at the clock, 4:02 pm. "that's in 58 minutes and i just got the address. we gotta go," she sighed and got up. she put her heels back on and i jogged to my room to get dressed. i put on a nice pair of slacks and a dressy shirt with a black tie. i put on some dress shoes. i didn't like wearing stuff like this but...gotta dress to impress. as least i look good in it. ok. i followed lucy to her car.

turns out the place was a huge mansion. as lucy approached the drive way, i happened to catch a glimpse into a parked car a few meters from the place. it was a blond haired man and a woman with white hair and a weird ponytail on her forehead. they seemed to panic and i made eye contact with the blond haired guy. he was actually pretty good looking. i shrugged. lucy pulled into the driveway. "good luck with your interview!!" she called as i got out the car. i fixed my composure and headed up to the front door. i knocked. i waited for a minute. door opened to reveal a huge green haired guy. "you chris?" i just nodded. he waved me inside.

i couldn't help but admire the guy from the back as he led me....wherever he was taking me. its kinda odd. i never really had a thing for guys buffer than me. this guy had to be some type of body builder. normally i would be turned off by someone like that cause they would be too muscular but this guy....this guy i could work with. he was like a regular buff guy but taller if that made any sense at all. he just...worked? is that how you put it? anyway...the guy looks like a mountain. i have to be willing to climb it at least once to see what its like at the top. i grinned. i kinda wanna holler at him now. just to see if he swings that way at least. dont really know how but im sure the opportunity will present itself soon enough.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now