Laxus Dreyar (Pt 3)

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1 year later...

laxus pov

"marry me," i muttered. we were cuddling on the sofa. i had laid back on his chest with his arms around me. felt like the most comfortable place in the world in chris's arms. "no," he deadpanned. i guess the thing that really got to me was how quickly he said it. no second thoughts. not second guessing. no hesitation. a quick and solid non contestable no. there wasn't an argument possible with the no he just said. "why not?" i grunted. "you think one year is gonna be enough to marry you again? im not ready for marriage again. when im ready, it will happen," he said. "when will you be ready?" naturally ive been ready for months. im just waiting for chris at this point. i already have the rings and everything. "probably never," he grunted, continuing to type on his phone with his thumb. "what do you mean probably never? i thought we were good!" i said, feeling the frustration building up. he says that like he is still seeing other people. "i need to be able to get out of this when you start acting crazy or cheating or whatever. im not going through the divorce process again," he said. i sighed. "i told ya im good. i haven't cheated one time in the entire time we been together. we are good," i said for the umpteenth time. "ya didnt cheat during the time we dated either. it was when we were together after that year that you started cheating," he said. once again, aint no winning with chris when it comes to.....anything. i swear the man is a miracle.

there was a long moment of silence. "i want you to make me a sandwich," he said. "why would i do that after you just rejected my marriage proposal?" i grunted. "because you love me and you would lose points if you didnt," he rubbed my stomach. i sighed. of course he would put it that way. the bastard. i sat up off him and walked into the kitchen. i went into the fridge. i mean what the hell! we been dating over a year now. why wont he marry me? we moved into the same room. cuddle every night. dates and outings all the damn time. we make love probably three plus times a week. its like we are already married. this is pretty much how we were when we were married, minus all the intimacy if you will, so why not now? why not get it out the way. im way to ready for this. i really wanna stand at the alter with him again, him in his black suit with yellow tie. my white suit and yellow tie. this time its gonna be all good cause im not thinking about women no more. all i can see is him. i wanna see his smile on that day. put the rings on. make out in front of a bunch of people. the cheesy shit at the wedding reception. the whole nine yards. im even planning a honey moon away from all this shit. i was thinking Hawaii but im sure he probably has his own plans. "no sobbing into my sandwich!!" he called from the living room. shit. i looked down. i had just put the top piece of bread on when the tears started to fall, soaking right into it. i sighed. i swear every day with him is turning me into a woman. as if taking dick and liking it wasn't enough. ive probably cried gallons messing around with him. when did i get so sensitive? an argument with chris always brings me to tears. every time i end up sobbing about something. this time, he just rejected my proposal with zero hesitation, zero afterthought, and zero emotion. ive never been shut down sooo hard in my life. it hurts. it hurts a whole fucking lot. just knowing that....well he dont wanna marry me. no matter how hard i try to convince him, he  wont do it till he is ready. just knowing this makes my heart hurt like a motherfucker but.....well i cant really complain. like he said, he could walk out that door right now and id never see him again because as much as he loves me, he knows that he deserves better than me.

"where is my sandwich?" i looked over, seeing him walk into the kitchen. the tears were still flowing. "uugghh!! you sobbed in my sandwich, laxus. never mind, ill just make it myself," he muttered as he made his way to the fridge. i just tossed out the sandwich and walked back into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa. shit. when was the last time he called me babe? i literally cant think of a moment in the time we been together for the second time that he has called me babe. even while we are dating, its always my first name. like he doesnt even acknowledge that we are dating right now. its....its cruel. he walked in, taking a big bite out a thick sandwich before taking a seat. he didnt even glace my way. didnt care that im literally over here sobbing my eyes out because of what he said, and didnt say for that matter. its fucking cruel.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now