chapter 18

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a few more hours later...

reader pov

i rolled off orga. i was tired. both physically and sexually. i think ive finally came to the realization: i have tooo much sex. seriously. i didn't think there was a such thing but im starting to believe it now. sex last night only to have more sex the very next morning. its fucking ridiculous. i dont think ive ever gone with out sex more than like three days. lately, its been every few hours. most of the time with orga but the amount of partners has been increasing lately. i mean....orga, cobra, gildarts, gadjeel and those are in just the past few months. before that the list tripled. im glad my immune system is much stronger than it should be or else id have every STD known to man. i sighed. i need to cut the number of partners drastically. like....down to one, no more than two, cause its getting to me.

orga had collapsed on gildarts falling right to sleep so he wont be up for a really long time. ok. im good. at least for now. no more sex for the next few days. i dont think my body can handle more ass. the thrusting, the groping, the heat, the taste. shit. im already hard again. my libido is insane. been growing ever since i started messing around with orga. its like i cant get enough ass. i sighed. i looked over at them. they looked sooo peaceful sleeping together. both of them had shit eating grins plaster on their faces. they were cuddling. im glad. i was able to pawn orga on my assassin. all seems to be going according to plan. i haven't heard from sting or cobra. i hope they were able to get together. if they did then great. wonderful. if they didn't....ill have to deal with cobra for a little bit longer. im sure they were able to get together. they seemed like a match made in heaven. sorta like gildarts and orga. both of them are super emotional despite their threatening demeanors. im sure if im not here when they wake up, there wont be a mass panic. i looked down. im filthy and after a nice shower too. they came sooo much it was like an ocean on my stomach. they just took turns riding me, then we ran a train on gildarts, then i fucked orga while he fucked gildarts. in several positions. im still surprised by how flexible orga is. i sighed. i rolled out the bed carefully. i dont want to wake them up with the motion. i tip toed to the bathroom and took a shower. long and hot to get completely cleaned up. i took a deep breath. good. i toweled off and walked out carefully. both of them were still sleep. good. i got dressed and headed out the room.

i walked into a different room and locked the door. i texted sting.

me: did you mess around with cobra?

sting: that's fucked up. did you know natsu was cheating

me: duh. didn't you? the guy smelled like sex every time he came back from work

sting: whatever. its neither here nor there. im dating cobra now

me: great

sting: how is everything going with orga?

me: fine. just woke up from a threesome with my other assassin.

sting: i dont know why i was ever worried about you in the first place

i sighed. looks like they are dating right now. ok. good. now....since lucy is seeing rogue, i dont really need to be around anymore. if i can manipulate lucy the right way so she will manipulate rogue, im sure we will have everything we need. i called laxus.



did you get what you could on rogue?

yeah. sent it all via secured email last night. you ok? you sound kinda drained fine. messing around with gildarts and orga just wore me out.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now