chapter 20

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three hours later....

reader pov

"see zeref? this is all you have to do," i grabbed a good looking guy around the waist and kissed him. he started kissing back immediately. he gripped my neck and pulled making the kiss deeper. i explored his mouth with my tongue till i felt that poke in my leg. i pulled away. i stopped him with a finger. he grunted and pushed against it. i grinned. "not tonight," i whispered. he grunted. he dug into his pockets and pulled out a pen. he took my hand and wrote his number on it. another kiss. "call me," he whispered. i let him go and he walked away. i grinned. i walked back over to the little table with zeref. i showed him the number. his eyes widened. "its....that easy?" he said. i shrugged. "you just gotta know how to work it. go ahead...try it out," i motioned to the dance floor. he sighed. he got up and disappeared into the crowd. ok. this was much more difficult than i thought it would be. he is very socially awkward. dont talk much. rarely makes eye contact more than a few seconds. i sighed. i hope this works out. i need him to pick up a guy. this way, if i can manipulate him, ill be able to manipulate zeref. man. im tired. been here a real long time. people dont even approach him. ive been approached by 6 guys and ten girls but he got 0. nada. and its soo horrible cause he is a cutie. mega adorable. probably should be an uke but im not judging. he likes ass, just like me. i guess its fine though. what i should have done was bring like a tablet with me. that way i can keep up with what is going on and-i felt a hand on my shoulder. i turned around. my eyes widened. "Bickslow! what are you doing here?!"  i whisper shouted. he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "dont have time to explain. higher ups want you out of undercover asap. ill explain on the way but we  need to leave," he whispered. i sighed. zeref is gonna be mad but i have my orders. i nodded. i got up and disappeared into the crowd with him, just as zeref got back. he was happy. "look chris!! i did it! i got a number and-" he noticed  i was gone. he pouted. "i guess he got picked up by someone," he sat down and stared at the number. my heart broke a little but i need to go. i dont know why but they are pulling me out. im sorta glad about it, though. i was getting tired of the field agent life. its tiring having to think as i do stuff.

we got out the club and right into a car. Bickslow drove off instantly. "what is going on?" i asked as he drove down the street. "i dont know. mavis messaged me around an hour ago telling me to get you out of there. said something about them being on to you. she will explain it when you see her," he said. what? im going to see the director, directly? didn't know i was that important.

he had drove for around an hour before he went right into the parking lot of the base. he got out and i followed him inside. we went up a few floors of the building and into one of the apartments. first person to greet me was mirajane. she pulled me into a tight hug. "oh i was soooo worried about you. im glad ezra ordered you to be pulled out," she said. i was confused. Bickslow didn't talk to anyone. he just went around grabbing some equipment. "we dont have time for reunions. i need to drop him off with the director and get back before they notice im gone," he said. he walked right out. mirajane was surprised. "he grabbed some tracking equipment so he is going to be going right back in. that's not important here. you need to get back to base where you belong and work from the back ground. you are too important to be a field agent," she said. i nodded. i chased Bickslow down and got back in the car. he pulled off.

"inside, straight to ezra, she will direct you to mavis's office. she is expecting you," as soon as he handed me the note he pulled right off. he sped down the street and around the corner. i sighed. i headed inside CIA hq. i weaved through the hallways following the signs to ezra's office. i walked right in. she whirled around when i walked in. "oh thank god. you were pulled out successfully. i was getting the feeling you weren't able to come up with a way to get out for a few more days," she said. i shrugged. "zeref is gonna be mad so i need to stay invisible for a while," i said. she waved it off. "you aren't a field agent any more. simple as that. your skills are vital to us as well as the info you have gained. we can no longer risk losing you as an agent," she said. i shrugged. "Bickslow said i was susposed to come here and you will direct me to the director's office," i said. she sighed. "i was afraid she would do that. she must have ordered Bickslow to pull you out. just....her office is two floors up. follow the sighs to the director's office," she said. i nodded and headed out.

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