chapter 9

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sting pov

"oh....ok....right....there....AAAHHH!!!..." he buried his face in my shoulder. i sighed. that wasn't enough. not by a long shot. he was panting sooo hard. he is rather weak to be honest. "im...not...cut out...for...topping," he whispered. you damn right you aren't. i could barely feel it. i sighed. i rolled over on top, straddling him. he was still panting hard. i glanced at the clock, 6:47 pm. its just sad. he was only at it for maybe an hour and he is already ready to pass out. i still had a ridiculous hard on. he looked at it while panting. "that's...that's...fucked up," he whimpered. i got off him and he adjusted his legs so i could be between. i kissed him. i pulled away. "im...never...topping again," he whispered. i sighed. that's not good. not good at all. im gonna need some good dick soon. just having ass wont be enough to satisfy me. he took a deep breath. "im sorry...babe. i know you aren't satisfied," he caressed my face. i laid down in his shoulder. ive been here all day and chris hasn't made it back. i sure hoped he has made up with orga, otherwise i went carless for nothing. i felt my self being rolled on my back. natsu had straddled me. he started kissing my neck. my chest. my stomach. every ab. my navel. he landed a wet kiss on my throbbing hard on. i could feel my breathing pick up when he swallowed me whole. my back arched just a little when i came in his mouth. he licked his lips and cleaned me up. he leaned up and kissed me. i could still taste me in his mouth. he pulled away. "bubble bath?" i shrugged. he got out of bed and walked to the door. i got up and followed him out.

we were making our way to the bathroom when i heard some grunting. natsu leaned on gadjeel's door. he motioned for me to listen in too.

"...(mumbling)....(grunts)....fuck! when will he come back over?!...(grunts).....damn it chris! pick up your phone! horny as fuck now..." i couldn't help but giggle. its kinda sad actually. he dont know that chris is probably with orga right now. knowing them, they probably just got done fucking too. i sighed. i should probably tell him. i felt my arm being pulled away. i followed natsu into the bathroom. he filled it up with hot water and bubble bath. i got in and he sat between my legs. felt good. the water soothed my legs. i could feel the cum flowing out of me. i sighed. i heard some rustling. the door opened to reveal a fully clothed gadjeel. "do either of you know where he went?" he grunted. i was about to tell him the truth when natsu spoke up. "he probably went to work. sting let him borrow his car. if you go now, you can catch him before he leaves for the day," he said. he grumbled to himself and walked away. he grabbed some keys and jogged out the door. "why wouldn't you tell him that he went to see about orga?" i said. he chuckled. "ill admit im a bit spiteful. he wouldn't fuck me that one time when lucy left. i was still super horny and he wouldn't help me out. sure it'll be hilarious. especially if gadjeel catches them fucking," i could feel his grinning. i dont think this will end well at all.


reader pov

im not even tired anymore and the satisfaction is dulling. i swear every time we fuck, it gets easier and easier. not i kinda feels little more satisfying than if i had finished fucking gadjeel. the only real difference for me is orga needs it harder to feel it. that's it. the boost to my ego is dulling as well. i dont even feel the high of knowing i just satisfied a man twice my size in around two hours. so much so that he had fallen into a deep slumber. probably wont wake up for a really long time too. i got up and outta the bed. i dont know but i think i might be able to withstand orga on top now. ill have to try it next time we go at it. which will probably be in a few days. i dont know but i think ill be mega horny like...tomorrow but orga wont be in the mood. i walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. nope. no physical change. i haven't gotten more buff. im still a solid 6'. nothing has changed about me. its one of those time where you simply get used to doing it. its not a problem for me to lift a 250 lb. man and carry him all throughout the mansion now. to be actually starting to forget this guy is twice my size. he is just becoming a bigger gadjeel. its kinda depressing now. this whole time i enjoyed spending time with him cause he was bigger than me. i got off on the fact that he was stronger, had more stamina, i loved the challenge. what started off as a mountain had became more ant hill? i could do it in my sleep and im not even being cocky. i took a quick shower and went back to the room. i got dressed. he was still knocked out with the biggest smile on his face. sex was mega draining but now i can move around and about like i never had sex in the first place. the only thing he did was rid me of my horniness. i sighed. now im not even looking forward to spending time with him. im not even looking forward to when the horniness hits me around this time tomorrow. i walked out the room.

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