chapter 31

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laxus pov

he wasn't lying. long hot bath really does relax the muscles. we just sat in the tub, my legs over his. the suds obscuring the inside of the water. subtle heat with a little bit of alcohol to sanitize and clear out the sinuses. mmmm.....feels good, but not as good as fucking. i cant believe ive went for so long without enjoying what it feels like the fuck. yeah its a little bit weird having dick up my ass but hey....i like what i like. its what relaxes me and its all he knows how to do soooo ill take it. did i enjoy what we did so far today? ....yeah. im not upset about it. learned a few new things. took a nice long nap. wasn't bored in my own house for once so yeah. im good. he was getting all emotional on me. its not that im opposed to it its just.....shit. i dont know. he is right. its not like we can fuck 24/7 and call that a relationship. its.....different. im not used to coming out my shell. my shell was warm and safe and comfy. been in it for years. im just now seeing what it feels like on the outside. who would have known i would have spent all day half naked. its definitely not something i would have done myself glad for it. i can get used to the liberation. at least at home. as long as he is here. id probably wanna keep wearing clothes but as long as chris is here, i wouldn't mind being in just my undies. i mean...he is right. its not like anyone sees me. he has already seen it all. who am i hiding it from? myself? the walls? yeah. i need him here. i know myself way to well and ill revert back to my old ways if he leaves. "i want you to move in with me," i just came out with it. he chuckled. "nope," he just kept on typing on his phone. what?! i thought he would jump on the opportunity. "why not?" i could sense the frustration building in my own voice. he is susposed to be happy that im willing to put up with him on a daily basis. "a few reasons actually. just started dating last night, you find my trying to get to know you as a person VERY annoying, no TV's or decorations whatsoever in your whole house so i would be bored most of the time, another reason that would be soooo much funnier if you found out yourself. i can keep going if you want," he kept typing on his phone. i sighed. he is right. i hate to admit it but he is right. "why on earth would you want someone as annoying as me living here?" he asked out of curiosity. "so i wont be bored at home," i grunted. he shrugged. "get a life, some TV's and you wont need me here to not be bored," he said. i sighed. he is right. guess ill have to go shopping or something soon. got one more day of no work. he probably gonna go home tomorrow night. "id like to go home tonight," my eyes snapped to him. he was still typing on his phones. "what? why? we dont need to be back to work till Monday," i said. "you gonna wanna fuck again," he said. shit. he is right about that again. its like lately, since it was reactivated, my libido is growing constantly. actually hard right now. "will you at least go to the store with me?" i asked. he shrugged. "dont really need me to but i guess i can come with you tomorrow," he said. i shook my head. "tonight," i said. he chuckled. "tv shopping at 9 pm?" he said. i shrugged. "on the way taking you home," i said. he shrugged. "i guess," he said.

"i dont need a tv that big," i grunted. he took me straight to the back of the store and pointed to the biggest tv they had. " right. its too small, isn't it?" he walked away. what the fuck?! who needs an 80 in tv in their house? my eyes were perfectly fine. i dont need the tv screen to be bigger than me. he came back with one of the workers. "you and my boyfriend are shopping for TV's in his penthouse and we gonna need bigger. do you have any in the back?" he asked. he shook his head. "im afraid that is the biggest they are made commercially. any bigger would have to be custom made directly from the manufacturer," he explained. he sighed. "i guess we will have to take this one. how much?" he asked. he grabbed a tag for the tv and we followed him to the register. he scanned it. "Samsung 80 in 4k smart tv comes to $5,636 including tax. it doesn't include install fees, delivery, the sound system, and things of that nature," my eyes widened. who spends that much on a fucking tv? "well just add all of that in there. how much?" the guy did some more typing and grabbed two more tags for other stuff. "$7,545.54," he said. chris dug out his wallet. "babe, you want me to handle it or do you wanna?" he asked. he looked at me. yeah. my jaw was still dropped. he chuckled. he turned back and handed him his card. he paid for it. walked up to me. "time to go. you can keep the one i brought. your new tv will be delivered tomorrow," he took my hand and i was led out the door.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now