Scorpio's Culmination (Pt 3)

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2 months later...

reader pov

its sorta unfortunate. ill admit im a little bummed about it. he was pretty sexy. i dont think i would have mined not knowing that he was engaged for a while. at least let me live the dream that i was actually dating someone after so long. it also didnt help that he really did turn out to be my target. two months of 'dating' told me more than enough. he lies to me at least once a day. we spent most of the time basically trying to make each other slip. he would try and bait me with obvious lies to see if i caught them. i did. every single one. most of the time i just played it off or pretended like i didnt know but this time....this time i dont think i need to act like i dont know. he just lied about something actually concerning our relationship. "what? why in the fuck would you say that?" i grunted. after a night of fun, we ended up cuddling till the morning. i still couldn't believe that he would boldly lie about something like that. "its true, babe. i really am moving to red skull city," he rolled over in my embrace. "you dont have to lie, scorpio. i know that you aren't moving there cause i talked to your sister. she told me that you and her were susposed to be moving out of the country again to some exotic island. you know...its kinda funny that you and your sister would be moving to some exotic island. why on earth would she tell me something like that?" i had told him i was gonna be heading back to blue skull city in the next few days so we pretty much need to figure out what to do about us. his eyes widened. "you talked aquarius?" he seemed surprised. "well yeah. she is staying in the hotel im staying at. i ran into her at the pool," i grunted.

that was actually true. she was coming out as i was going in. i was going in solo to get some exercise but she was just chilling. we ended up chatting while i did some laps. she kept stuttering when she would talk about him. she kept saying husband when she was susposed to say brother. he cursed under his breath. "oh and i was looking through your drawers to see if you had washed my red shirt when i stumbled upon this..." i reached over to the nightstand and into the top drawer and pulled out his ring. "what the hell is this? we have only been together for two months so i know its not for me," i showed it to him. "it was my grand-" "it was your grandmother's? well then please explain these," i reached into his drawer and pulled out a handful of him and his 'sister' making out, at the park, professional pictures, at the practice for the marriage ceremony. yeah. i dont have to pretend not to know that him and her are engaged. i showed him the photos. "you seem to be awfully close to your sister, scorpio. oh...and another thing, just because im gay, doesn't mean i dont know what straight sex smells like. when you would 'visit' your sister in the hotel room, you would wash you but not your clothes. you would also be dumb enough to hang out with me in those same clothes. oh and i just cant forget what happened when i looked you up on the free background search thingy on the internet. i searched 'scorpio sandscript' and guess what showed up? 5 felonies, two assaults, child molestation. what the fuck scorpio?" i sat up, pushing him out of my embrace. "babe i can expl-" "really scorpio? why wouldn't you tell me that you are a registered sex offender? that you have three active restraining orders against you concerning three fucking orphanages? what the hell is wrong with you?" i got out of bed and pulled on my undies. "babe where are you going? we can talk about this!! i dont even know how you could find me in the system-" he covered his mouth quickly.

 i raised a brow. "why wouldn't i be able to find you in the system? is there something you need to tell me about, scorpio? is that even your real name?" i asked. he actually started crying. "ill tell you everything. just please...dont go," he whimpered. i turned to face him. im soo glad i had this room bugged. i still amaze myself with how prepared i am for this. "please....get back in bed," he said. i sat on the edge of the bed. he pulled me to lay down and threw a leg over my hips. he buried his face in my neck. "im waiting," i grunted. "if...if i tell you, i cant let you leave," he whispered. "what the fuck does that mean?" i grunted. he pulled his face out and hovered over me. "it have to stay with me forever," he whispered against my lips. "as long as you dont keep lying to me then...." i trailed off. "ill never lie to you again," he whispered. "ok...ill stay," i said. he smiled, pressing his lips against mine. he straddled me and sat up, putting all his weight on my groin. "now...dont panic. my name is Howard Marley and im the boss of the zodiacs, a terrorist organization bent on taking over this particular city before spreading all over the country. all of the members of the organization are named after the zodiac, including my fiancé aquarius. her real name is Nadia Smith and she used to be the leader of the zodiacs," he said. i raised a brow. "since you have a fiancé, what does that make me? am i just a side piece or something of a mistress? how on earth can you do this to me? to her?" i sat up, gripping his shoulders," after...after i told you i love you? i love you soo fucking much. do you know how devastated i was when i saw all those pictures and that wedding ring?" i pushed him off me and got out of bed.

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