Bacchus's Culmination (Pt 6)

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3 months later...

reader pov

i was walking to my car after a nice day at work to see someone standing against my car door. "once again, dont you have a wife to go to?" i asked as i walked to my car. "she wants you to come over for dinner again tonight," he said. weird, she didnt call or text me. come to think of it, she hasn't called or text me in months. bacchus is at school right now so he might not make it. "how about around 8. that way the kids are sleep and we can have adult time," i said. "she wants to talk to you before she heads up north for the rest of the month. apparently her parents are sick again," he said. "why didnt she call me?" i raised a brow. "she got a new phone. she tried several times but your number is blocked on her phone," he said. another red flag. "why didnt you know, unblock it?" i said. "system wont let me unblock it thanks to SOMEONE'S regulation on accessing his personal information," he said. shit....i wont deny that. i keep my personal info locked tighter than Bacchus's ass. and that's pretty fucking tight. i dont know how he does it but every time feels like a virgin and im LOVING it. as long as its not something shady, i give zero fucks what his secret is. "ill stop by after i grab some condoms. bacchus saw a commercial for the new Trojans and wants to try em tonight," i winked at him. he just grunted before walking back to his car. i got in my car and headed out.

later on that night...

i pulled into the driveway of their house. i didnt see lisanna's car. eh...its probably in the garage. the door is down so i wouldn't see it. i parked and locked up before walking to their door. i knocked a few times. it was a minute before the door opened, revealing laxus in some casual basketball shorts and a tee with no shoes. he was sipping something from a coffee mug. "she's up in the bedroom packing her things," he pointed upstairs before walking away. i closed the door before walking upstairs. i weaved through the halls before i made it to the master bedroom. i walked in. i looked around. no one. i heard the sink running from the bathroom. "lisanna?" i said as i walked closer. i looked in the bathroom. no one. the sink was just running.

just as i turned off the faucet, i heard the door shut. "lisanna?" i called as i walked back into the room. butt naked laxus, locking the bedroom door behind him. "where is lisanna? why are you naked? if you wanted a foursome, you should have let me go get b--" "just shut the hell up, chris. our divorce was finalized a month ago," he grunted as he walked towards me. "what the hell do you mean you guys got divorced? why didnt she tell me?" i said. "i made sure she didnt," he grunted before pulling me into a kiss. shit. i pushed him away. "what the hell!! i have a boyfriend--" he pulled me into another kiss. i pushed on his chest but he held my arms. he kept moving his lips against mine. shit. i kept trying to work my way out his grip but i couldn't. damn him. i had taught him EDFC a while ago. he is the only one who knows how to do it....aside from bacchus. he got the gist of it but laxus is a master just like me. bacchus could defend but laxus could defend and attack. really in some deep shit here. he pulled me over and pushed me on the bed, climbing right on top of me. he gripped my biceps to keep me from moving before pressing his lips against mine once more. he kept struggling, trying my best to fight but....well shit. i didnt want to but at the same time, i REALLY did. the paroxysm of emotions the arose when he first kissed me reminded me of us and the tears flowed. damn....i missed him. i really did. bacchus is nothing like how laxus was.

shit. the strength to fight was starting to fade. shit. just when i thought i had got over him. he goes and does this shit. he knew, didnt he? he knew that they were still there. that no matter how deep down i bury them over how long, they are....still there. the strength was slowly turning into need. the need to have him one more time. just once. just once more before i could finally put those feelings to rest once and for all. for closure. i started kissing back, wishing i would stop. that his body didnt feel soooooo good. that his grinding on me wasn't making me hard once again. damn you laxus. damn you right to hell! i felt him rip my suit open. damn it!! i gripped his waist and rolled my self on top. i kissed his neck. his....his chest. his nipples. i traced his....his muscles with my tongue. damn it! i missed this taste. his smell. how he feels against my body. my hands roamed his body as he continued to remove my clothes. i kissed him. our tongues fought for dominance which i won. i....i always win! he gripped my neck and pulled, making the kiss deeper. the tears wouldn't stop flowing. why cant i stop? why cant i fucking stop doing this? why?! i groped his ass again, savoring the firmness with little stubble. i felt him sweating against me as he pulled my shirt off and ripped my fucking pants.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now