chapter 4

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the next day...

reader pov

ok. its kinda early. i heard the door open and shut a few minutes ago which means lucy is gone for the day. ok. looks like im gonna need gadjeel to take me to work today. i shook him. he groaned. i shook him a little harder. "...what?" he grunted. "i need you to take me to work," i said flatly. another grunt. "i told you. i fucking hate-" a hard slap on his ass. he winced. yeah. he was still sore. i felt him poking me again. "...f-f-fine," he whispered. he started out of the bed. ok. i sat up and got out of bed. i cleaned up my room while he took a shower. he came back a few minutes later and started getting dressed. i took a quick shower. i came back. i saw a notification on my phone. i looked at it.

sting: make sure to wear something comfy

i let out a deep breath. that's great. i wasn't looking forward to spending all day in dress clothes. ok. i put on some undies, a nice pair of black jeans and a plain white tee. i put on some high top tennis shoes. ok. im good. i can wear this all day. ok. i looked at gadjeel. he wore all black with a leather jacket. this guy must have at least one motorcycle. it would be way to perfect. "hey gadjeel," he grunted. "do you happen to have a motorcycle?" i asked. he looked at me. "yeah.  i  got like 6. why?" he asked. i just shrugged. "just curious," he went back to buttoning up his skinny jeans.

a few minutes later and we were both dressed. "what time you gotta be there?" he asked. i just shrugged. "didn't give me a time slot so whenever i guess," i said. i followed him out to his car. i didn't notice the last time but he actually has a really nice car. its a black sports car with all the fixings. super shiny and sleek. i was on my way to the passenger side when i notice another parked car a few blocks away. looked like it was those guys again from yesterday. i got in. "i need to make a few stops first," he grunted. i shrugged and he pulled off.


laxus pov

"HOW ON EARTH DOES HE KEEP SEEING US?!" mirajane was panicking again. "its fine. he didn't seem suspicious of anything. probably thinks its some kinda coincidence," i said. she sighed. "they are susposed to see us at all. we are stalking them, laxus. if they see us one more time, this whole operation is a bust! they will be on to us!" she waited a few minutes and pulled off after the target.

the target had stopped by starbucks for some coffee from the looks of it. she parked the car and went inside. she returned with two cups. she handed me one. "black with no cream or sugar?" i just nodded. she remembered how i like my coffee. we sipped our stuff as we watched the target and his boyfriend at the window. "i get the feeling we should hear what they are talking about," i suggested. she nodded and pulled out the audio equipment we forgot to bring yesterday. it was two sets of earphones and a gun with a satellite dish at one end. she did some adjustments and we could finally hear what they were saying.

".....are you susposed to be doing?....sting said i would be taking care of the security systems for the whole much is he paying 100k why?.....just asking.....what do you do there?.....deliveries....and how much are you getting paid?........tsk 200k.....oh that's fucked job is much more important than....whatever it is you do.......yeah right! security is everything! its my job to make sure none of the information gets leaked to our opponents! are just a delivery boy......fuck need to stop saying that....makes me think you are horny again.....(mumbling)....what was that?......oh....i can see your tent again....its your fault....what? how is it my fault?!....(mumbling)....go ahead and say it aloud...aint but me and you in this car...why is it my fault?.....well.....when you (mumbling).......Oh! you mean when i put your legs in the air and-"

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now