Scorpio (Pt 1)

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Author Note: yeah, this is still a work in progress. i wont give ya details but i will tell ya that you will get remarried to laxus....but not until the distant future.

1 month after "The Missing Link"....

laxus pov

"ive told you so many times, laxus. he isn't avoiding you at all. you are just now getting to see how much he actually did to make sure he could see you every day. a department head and a normal agent dont see each other much at all. you would be lucky to see him in the next 6 or so months with this new case he just took on," explained director mavis. that was the biggest clause of our divorce agreement: he cant avoid me. she keeps trying to explain to me that he isn't avoiding me at all but i cant believe that. how on earth can we both work at the same fucking place and i haven't seen him for a month? i want to see how he is doing. i know he cant still be messed up about me. sure i know i wont see him on a daily basis but...well damn. i haven't seen his face since the divorce was finalized. "i can see you are over analyzing this situation, laxus. its simple, chris did a lot more than you realize. you thought it was normal for a department head to be in your section at all? he has his own office with almost as much authority as me! the only real authority i even have over him is that im the only one who can fire him and its a HELLUVA lot of paperwork so he would still work here for months till we could find a replacement. i....i cant do anything about this, laxus. as much as i want to help you out, i cant do anything. you are only just now seeing all that he has done for you after he has lost the reason to do it," said mavis. shit. i wont lie im still pretty fucked up about it too. as much as i love my wife, she will never be chris. i haven't been held in almost half a year and im only now being able to sleep cuddled with lisanna and even that is pretty restless. i need a good nights sleep and pronto. " is he doing? is he doing ok? has know, managed to move on?" i asked, trying my hardest to bite back the tears. i know it bothers lisanna sooo much to know that i still miss him. i miss him sooo fucking much and it hurts my soul to not see him or hear his voice or even know for certain that he is still alive. "as far as i know, he is fine. he has been adamant about keeping his business and personal life separate. he has even encoded all of his own information. im literally the only one who even knows for certain that he isn't an impostor," she said. cant really impersonate someone like chris. the guy is an enigma.

i sighed. at least...he is fine. he is still in one piece. that's...that's good. who knows? he might have actually moved on by now. lord knows the guy can pretty much have anyone he wants. "can you at know, talk to him for me? you dont have to mention me but at least make sure he is ok," i muttered. "of course i can, laxus. ill make sure he isn't messed up about anything and is doing well. im actually wanting to know myself. he just took on a case that will require him to pretty much leave the city for the next few months at least," she said. i sighed. i just want him to be happy. get him another man, a good one, and be happy. dont stay messed up about me forever.

later on that night...

reader pov

i had gathered my things and was headed out when i was paged by mavis. i turned on my heels and headed to her office. she smiled at me as i took a seat in across from her. i raised a brow. "is everything ok? that smile is awfully suspicious," i said. she sighed. "what  i want to know is if you are ok. you've been taking on some pretty intense cases since that time which we wont mention and everyone is pretty worried, especially a person whose name we also wont mention," she said. its obvious that laxus wants to know how im feeling. "its fine, mavis. tell laxus im actually doing pretty well right now. ill admit i was still pretty messed up about it for around two weeks after but now im starting to get back to normal," i said. that was actually true. im doing surprisingly well. ive even been able to have some good sleep over the past week and a half. i was really messed up bad but im actually doing well now. she gave me a genuine smile. "you dont know how relieved i am to hear that! a new one yet? i know he must be model status," she leaned forward like the little girl she is. "im actually not seeing anyone right now. ill admit it a bit difficult to see anyone right now but ive got needs that ive been neglecting and i need to find someone and pronto. im actually leaving tonight. ill hit up a bar when i get there and see if i get lucky," i shrugged. she chuckled. "im glad to see you are making the effort to move on. when are you leaving? i was thinking we could hang out before i dont see you for the next few months," she said. "im actually leaving right now. my plane leaves in like an hour and the airport is a half away," i said as i stood up. "oh! well dont let me hold you up any longer! just make sure you take care of yourself," she got up and jogged around her desk before pulling me into a tight hug. i hugged her back. she pulled away. "you better tell me when you get a new man. i wanna know the good stuff too. R-rated," she said. "fine," i grunted. she waved and i was off.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now