chapter 27

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the next day....

laxus pov

i sighed. he is gone. who knows how long. he is too smart to die on me. probably thinking of a way to get back quicker. tsk....probably working extra hard just so he can go on a date with me. weird ass guy. wanting to go on a date with me. like im the ultimate prize. his reason for being. i need to stop thinking about this. i was walking through the halls of hq when i ran into ezra. literally. she fell to the ground. i held out a hand. "shit! you ok?" she took my hand and i pulled her up. i gathered the files she had dropped and handed it back to her. she looked at me with a dark blush. "a-a-as you w-were," she stumbled and walked away quickly. i could already see his face. just grinning like a madman. 'im back! where are we going?' all cheerful and shit. i dont know how he could be soooo happy about just the thought of being with me. id wanna be with his annoying ass. probably ask me at least 40 questions the whole time. i dont know. i mean....if he wasn't so fucking annoying then i guess it wouldn't be soo bad. give me a reason to go home every night. probably would do a bunch of inappropriate shit to me at work. yeah...i might like it but im not gonna encourage it. i walked into his office. just thinking about it got me grinning like he would. it might not be soo bad. i might even fall in l-"laxus! what are you soooo happy about?" i turned to look at mirajane. she was smiling. "never seen you look sooo happy sipping a polar pop like that. did you.....did you meet someone?" she asked out of curiosity. i shrugged. "tsk...maybe i did. whats it to you?" i grunted. she pouted. "ok people! we have a location on zeref and rogue. we need to set up Operation Acnologia Pt 2 asap. we dont want to leave chris in there for to long or he will have to help them rebuild blue Pegasus," grunted Bickslow. i almost forgot he is susposed to be leading this case now. i can tell he isn't too happy about it. "do we have a geography on the island?" i asked. he dug around in his briefcase and pulled out a map. he spread it out on the table. we all gathered around it. "the water will be difficult to navigate with a regular ship. the tide will keep pushing it away," grunted mirajane. "tsk....we wouldn't want to use a regular ship anyway. its too easily noticeable. we should go in with like three man ships and when we have the place surrounded, the big ship with come and we will use the little ships to transport the prisoners," i said. they seemed to think it over. "how many ships will we need for this? we dont even know how many people are on the island," grunted gray. "we have to be strategic about this. we need to map out the island and get a floor plan on the buildings on it so that we know what is going on. we dont want them taking off in underground tunnels or some shit like that," i said. they nodded. "if we work with the local coast guard, we should be able to gather enough people. if we bring the remaining uninjured people from part on of this operation and borrow the ships from the coast guard then we should be fine," suggested juvia. more nodding. "what do we need to do right now?" asked loke. "some how we need to get in contact with my boyfriend and get a map of the place. we also need to ask him about how many people are on the island with him. if we can get that info then we can get all the people together in tandem with him and get this taken care of so he can come home," i said. they all looked at me. "what?" i grunted. "we....we will come back to that later on. we need to get in contact with chris asap. chop, chop people!!" chimed mirajane.


reader pov

we took a seat in the sitting room while lucy was out on the beach. they looked at me. i looked at them. "whats with the staring contest?" i asked. rogue sighed. "what do we do? we have only around 260 people left in blue Pegasus! we cant do anything," he grunted. "well that would depend on what you guys were planning in the long haul. depending on what it is, 260 might be more than enough," i said. zeref wouldn't stop staring at me with a dark blush. i grinned. messing around with him last night seems to have had an effect on him. "well....we were working with loads of terrorist organizations to annihilate the governing body of government as well as all authoritative figures in blue skull city. then work our way throughout the country," said rogue. "oh....well in order to maintain something like that, gonna need more like 260k. how about the other gangs in the cities? if we could work with them then-" rogue shook his head rapidly. "cant work with other gangs because we would have to split land, money, etc. nope. this has got to be all blue Pegasus," he said. i sighed. "that would have been a good shortcut to getting all the people we need. how do you guys recruit on a normal basis?" i asked. "offer and incentive to people fresh out or about to go into prison. usually good money," he said. i nodded. "we are gonna have to call on everyone. mercenaries, assassins, thugs, etc. and get them on board," i said. "we dont really have anything to give them. we lost a lot of money with the attack the other day. we are down to around 500 million," he said. i sighed. "that's not gonna be enough. we need to be strategic about this. if you give me a few hours and a laptop, i can see how we can dibbie it up,"  i said. rogue nodded. he jogged away. zeref was still staring at me. "take a picture. it will last longer," i said. he got up and walked over to me. he kissed me. i pushed him away. he grunted. "you are a seme, zeref. just order one of the henchmen to come know," i pushed him away. he grunted. "just one more time," he kissed me again. i sighed. he straddled me. rogue came jogging back. "oh! well....ill just come back and-" i waved frantically at him. he handed me the laptop. zeref pulled away to take off his shirt. "zeref!! i have work to do," i said. his eyes went red. "it can wait," he took his shirt off and kissed me. i pushed him away. "zeref, last night was fun but its not gonna be a thing. you are a seme. last night should have satisfied your curiosity about what it would feel like to be an uke with me. move on," i pushed him off me and got up. i walked over and into a different room from his and closed the door. the handle was jiggling. i made sure to lock it. i took the laptop and sat on the big chair in the room. i logged in. i received an email from the secured line.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now