Wendy (Pt 1)

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Author's note: another interesting story. not gonna give ya any spoilers but im sure you will like this one just as much as any other cause....you know, you like this story just as much as i do.


2 years after the wedding....

reader pov

"i dont want it. you know i hate kids," he grumbled. "you have a daughter, not a thing, laxus," i said. i tightened his tie. "its your fault she even exists. im GAY, chris. that means i dont have kids. i mean....if you look at her, you cant even see the resemblance. ezra probably dont even know who the daddy is," he grumbled. he fixed my tie. "we both know that she is yours, laxus. remember the paternity test?" i said. i patted him down. i stood back and admired my husband in a suit. "dont fucking remind me. are those things even accurate?" he grunted. i looked at my watch, 9:26 am. "stop your whining, babe. if we dont leave now, we will be late for court," i said. he glared at me. "i dont wanna go," he grunted. "ill do the thing tonight," i offered. he raised a brow. "really?" he said. "until you beg for me inside you," i grinned. he blushed. "fine," he grunted. i smiled, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. i pulled him close. a kiss, warm and passionate. he pulled away. "your jaw is gonna hurt tonight," he whispered. "not as much as you will in the morning," i chuckled.

we headed to the car and got in. he grunted when i went to the driver's side. "gimme the keys," i held out my hand expectantly. "im fucking driving," he said. "the hell you are. im not gonna let you make us late like last time," i reached into his pocket and pulled out the car keys. "get in the car," i grunted as i got in. he walked around and got in the passenger seat. i started the car and pulled off.

"i wasn't gonna make us late," he grumbled. "i know you, laxus. you would have found something for us to do and we would have missed this court appearance," i said. we stopped starbucks for breakfast. "i wouldn't have done that cause you would be mad and wouldn't do the thing," he grunted. "yeah, probably not for at least a week too," i handed him his coffee. "you would really be that mad?" he mumbled as he sipped his coffee. "naw. i like eating you out just as much as you do so it would be two days tops," i chuckled. his eyes widened. "you fucking bastard. stop the car. im not going. i can go without it for two days if i have too," he reached for the door. i locked it. "ill tazer you and drag you there if i have to. this is the last one, laxus. i made sure of it. just go in there and plead your case and we will be fine," i grunted. "three hours," he said. "three?" shit. my face will hurt. "three hours non stop with five minute breaks every half hour," he grunted. "three fingers," i  countered. his eyes widened. "two," he countered. "one finger for every hour of eating. take it or leave it," i grunted. "two hours, two fingers, doggy and missionary for three," he said. "deal," i leaned in. he kissed me. i pulled away and headed to the courthouse.

i parked in the lot and got out. he stayed in the car. "come on laxus. we have 20 minutes to get there," i grunted. he just sat there. "you gonna get it tonight if you dont get out in 3...2...-" "ok! im coming," he grunted. he got out and we walked into the courthouse. we went to the elevator and headed up to the courtroom. we headed to the bailiff office. "hello! how can i help you guys?" she asked, a light blush on her cheeks. "we are here for the Scarlet-Dreyar case. today is susposed to be the final hearing," i said. she shuffled through the files. she cursed under her breath. she pulled out a file. "here, sign this," she grunted. wow, complete personality switch. i signed my name. she watched as laxus signed his. 'Laxus Isaac Dreyar-(L/n)'. i think i actually saw a tear come out her eye. she wiped it away. "just go right in. the hearing will start promptly at  10 am so make sure you are seated. Ms Scarlet and wendy are already in there," she said. laxus growled as he walked into the courtroom. i sighed. i headed in after him. "you guys are so cute together," she called after us. i just waved.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now