Epilogue (Pt. 1)

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Author's note: this is gonna be the official ending of this story. after this is just the bonus chapters. once this story is finished, im gonna start on the crossover book 'The Case...(Readerx: Grimmjow, Laxus, and Zoro)' so look forward to it. already have a funny plot in the works for it.

Bachelor Parties?

reader pov

"yes the fuck you are gonna have a bachelor party. you dont get a choice. its mandatory," she started walking away. "nope. i already know what the single life is like. i dont need to be reminded of crazy people, 24/7 sex with people who only came home with me cause of my face and HUGE DICK, and not being satisfied after sex. im all good. i know im getting married to laxus in a few days," i followed her down the hall to the conference room. she refused to hear me. "i refuse to let you take the one thing i really wanted to do for the wedding. you wouldn't let me plan the reception or choose the venue or even the fucking color of the flowers!! i have to be able to take you on a journey that will make you have second thoughts," she said. we rounded a corner. "you know i wanted you to have a hand in the actually marriage ceremony. its not my fault laxus wants to plan it all. i can just tell my husband 'no you cant plan the perfect wedding'. its unethical," i said. she shook her head. "yes the fuck you can tell him no. really, you dont even have to tell him no. just tell him to accept the help. i already know he is at home right now stressed out like a motherfucker cause he cant get the venue he really wants and the wedding is in like three days," she said. "what my baby wants, my baby gets. ill pull some strings and-" "you know you cant use CIA resources for personal shit. you could be decommissioned for that," she said. i shrugged. we walked into the conference room. everyone started clapping. "whats the celebration for?" i asked as i joined them all around the table. mavis raised a hand to calm the other department heads and their sub heads," we just all want to congratulate you on solving the blue Pegasus terrorist remnant case. it was a huge success thanks to your leadership and skills. we also want to congratulate you on your coming big day," said mavis. more clapping. "i wish laxus would calm down about it. he has every thing already ready for the wedding but two days ago, the proprietor of the venue came and told him that there was another wedding already set for that day. she refused to give us our money back and instead insisted on trying to reschedule us," i said. "have you tried talking to the other couple? im sure you guys could talk something out," suggested mavis. i shrugged. "cant really find them. they refuse to show their faces to each other till the big day," i said. she sighed. "cant really go against their wishes since its their big day too," she pouted. mirajane put a hand on the back of my swivel chair and stood behind me. "no! they need to show up and work this out. i happen to know that chris and laxus planned this wedding months ago and the person said it should be fine. chris spent over 3 million dollars so laxus could plan the perfect wedding with no concern for a budget. they gonna get their wedding whether the other couple plays along or we have to remove them by force," she cheered. everyone else started cheering with her. i sighed. at least i was able to take her mind off giving me a bachelor party. mavis waved her hands through the air to calm everyone down. "settle down people. we can discuss that amongst ourselves after we take care of the business i called you all here for," she said. everyone settled down. mirajane took her seat right next to me. we all waited. "now...we have had some rather unfortunate developments over the past couple of months. it appears a lesser gang is becoming more and more powerful thanks to some new leaders amongst their ranks. we have yet to find out who they are because they dont show their faces to anyone. they tend to do all their work from the shadows. we need to find out who they are and take care of them before they open up another line of communication over seas with the remnants of the terrorist organizations. needless to say, if that happens, its another blue Pegasus case all over again," she said. i sighed. im not really looking forward to working on this. especially with the big day coming up. mavis turned to me. "i know this is a lot to ask of you, chris, especially with the big day coming up and all but i need you to lead this case. i dont wanna ask you to work on the big day or during your honeymoon but i need some type of progress before you all take off. i need at least a name of the leaders before you both leave," she said. i sighed. "dont really have a choice in the matter," i said. "i know its unfortunate to ask this of you and i cant say sorry enough but for this case, you will be leading all of the CIA for this. we will have to pull out all of the stops. this lesser gang was only lesser in power compared to blue Pegasus. they have at least 4 times as much manpower. they were just lacking leadership. now that they have that, they are gonna be making some big moves soon and we need to do everything we can to stop them," she said. i sighed. of course something like this happens. like this isn't the most stressful time of my life already.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now