chapter 6

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3 weeks later...

reader pov

"....MMMM!!.....NNNRRRGGG!!!" i dont know why but i was MEGA horny this morning. im really glad its so easy to turn orga on. its kinda weird cause i was good for the past few days. its been like after sex, i would be good for a few days then all of a sudden BAM!! horniness hits me like three trains and a freight truck. i dont think orga minds though. i think the same thing happens to him too. i have noticed that sex has been getting a lot easier too. his death grip on my neck and forearm no longer bruise me. in fact....i kinda want him to grip me harder. its gotten really easy to make him cum over the past few times we've gone at it. what used to take a half hour now takes around 2 minutes if i stroke him hard enough. he still makes me cum like no body's business but now....i can do that to him too. ive actually started to hear the bed creaking when we fuck now. the first felt like i was a dog trying to hump its owner but now he my thrusts have become soo powerful, im currently making a 250 lbs man hit the head board with the power of a thrust. its kinda funny now. im still super tired afterwards but during....its like im super charged with adrenaline. the deep ache from thrusting for six hours straight has disappeared completely. in fact....kinda feels like im not hitting it hard enough. its like i have this shit eating grin the whole time im fucking him now. his legs rode further on my hips and he cringed. i dont even have to stroke him anymore. he just cums on his own now. i dont know. maybe its just me. lately...doing this has become much less of a challenge. this guy is 70 lbs heavier than i am and i can lift him with no problem now. in fact he insists i carry him to the bathroom after. "...FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK!!!!" i kissed on his neck as i kept going. i couldn't help but giggle. ive be making his toes curl up now. im just glad im still satisfied after sex. that's the one thing that hasn't changed. while doing this has become much less of a challenge, his mega tight ass still makes me cum at least 10 ish times. i grinned. i can only guess how many times we cum. i tried counting but i always lose track half way through. cant really help it. he feels amazing and with as hard as im hitting it now, im surprised he is still mega tight. its probably cause he is mega buff. when he clenches, i can actually keep going. even though its like a vice grip on my dick. he cringed again. his legs wrapped around my waist impossibly tight as he came again. i keep trying not to laugh during sex and actually focus but....its just soo funny. the guy who it took everything i fucking had to make him cum once, i can now make cum buckets with almost no effort. his heart is beating soooo fast its actually hitting me. like im constantly being punched in the chest. his breathing is so short and choppy, he might be hyperventilating. i looked at him. he had a shit eating grin too with a dark blush. i moved a pillow behind his head. i dont want a huge bruise there afterwards. i kinda wanna know if it actually hurts now. i know it hurt in the beginning but how about now? i kinda wanna know how long its been since we started. his nipples are sooo hard it feels like two ball point pens poking into my chest.

3 hours later....

i was tired but not like the first time. first time i was more so physically tired. now its more of a satisfied tired. he was still panting with a dark blush. same shit eating grin. "'ve...gotten....s-s-stronger," he whispered. i chuckled. "are you upset?" i teased. he pulled me into a kiss. deep and passionate. sorta aggressive, especially since this is after sex. felt his tongue swirl around in my mouth. our tongues wrestled. it was an even match. i could never pin his in the same way twice. he would always grunt cause i always won even though his tongue is stronger. i felt him start to drool as i worked my tongue inside his mouth. he gripped my shoulders. he cant breath. i learned to breathe through my nose so im fine. i felt his breathing speed up again. he got more aggressive. wont let me pull away anymore. he got a strong grip on my head. started making those 'mmm' noises again. he sucked rigorously on my tongue. felt one of his legs rise higher on my hips. yeah. i was starting to feel it again. i kinda want another round now. from the feeling of his growing erection pressing against me, he does too. i could feel myself growing again right along with him. i started thrusting again. he grunted in surprise.

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