Laxus Dreyar (Pt 1)

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3 weeks later....

reader pov

"why are you leaving again?" he grunted as i stood at the door. "because i want to. im probably gonna go to a bar and get laid," i shrugged as i opened the door. "but you dont need to go to a bar to get laid," he grunted. "well how else am i gonna have sex?" i shrugged as i walked out the door. i got in my car and got ready to pull off. i got a text.

laxus: ill have sex with you

me: but you dont wanna have sex with me. you just dont want me to have sex with other people. im looking for a person who is actually gay

laxus: but i am gay

me: its more just like me. you aren't gay. bacchus was gay. never liked girls

laxus: will you drop him already!

me: no. you are gonna go the rest of your pathetic life regretting killing my fiancé. i wont let you be ok with it

laxus: my arm is still in the cast. i thought we were through this

me: we will never be through this. i dont even know where you got the notion of 'we' anyway.

laxus: we are dating

me: no we arent

laxus: that's what i told everyone at the office

shit. that's why there was a bunch of odd glares from everyone.

me: im moving out

laxus: no you arent

me: im moving into another little apartment and im not telling you where its at

laxus: then ill just follow you home from work

me: you gonna make me get a restraining order on your crazy ass

laxus: you the one who keeps denying us. we are a thing, accept it.

me: no we arent

laxus: we live together, have sex often, argue a lot before having sex again, we are arguing right now, you are threatening me with empty threats, you cheat on me out of spite, probably gonna have sex again tonight when you come back, maybe a movie night, we love each other. i mean how many more signs do you need? we may as well get remarried

me: you are a psychopathic stalker who will chase away any one i meet, not letting me be with anyone else. we arent dating. im being held against my will

laxus: resistance is futile. just let this happen. come back in and we can cuddle or something. i need a massage cause my arm is cramping. i have to do all this one handed you know

me: i feel zero obligation to help you in any way

laxus: its your fault this happened to me!

me: its your fault for everything that happened between us! if you wouldn't have killed my fiancé, you wouldn't have the injury and id be married with a bunch of kids cause i want kids and he did too. why would i give that up just to be with some grouch who is only with me cause he is some lovesick puppy. feed a stray and he will keep coming back. i need to stop feeding strays

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now