chapter 15

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the next morning...

reader pov

ok. i can do this. one uses poison so he will need to get really close and get me to trust him before he can poison me. once i see him, drink nothing, eat nothing. ok. easy to avoid him. in fact....i might be easier to go to him. face him head on. lure him into a public place where he has to tread carefully. confront him, playing dumb about him and maybe even befriend him. ok. that can also be a double edged sword but who cares. either way, doing nothing with this knowledge will get me killed. ok. now....about the other one. that could be difficult. he doesn't need to poison me to kill me. ideally, he would want me all alone for an extended period of time. long enough to get in, probably shoot me, and get out. the plus side is that he is disabled. he will need more time to get in and out soooooo as long as im not by myself more than a couple of hours i should be fine. tsk....fucking around with orga, i probably wont be alone more than ten minutes. BUT i do need to be alone long enough to lure cobra in. hmm...i dont know. maybe some kinda party where orga has to leave me alone, more than likely to talk about stuff im not susposed to know about, and cobra will see it as an opportune time to move in. probably dress up as a waiter or guest so he can get close without me noticing. more than likely uses liquid poison that he could pour into my glass. hmm....that might work. orga started groaning. good. he is waking up. ok. he sat up, wiping his eyes. he gave me a kiss. "morning," he grumbled. he got up and out the bed. i sat up. ok. i need to know where we are going soo i can tell the CIA. i haven't gotten the tracker yet. ok. "you know where we are going?" i asked. he shrugged. "sting said we'd be goin to red skull city or something. its like three cities over. gonna be there for the weekend," he dug around in his drawers. ok. i pulled out my phone and sent a text to laxus.

me: red skull city. need the tracker asap

laxus: already got it. working it into the postal service now. should be there around 10

i looked at the clock, 9:27 am. ok. that's good. "hey orga," he grunted in response. "after you take care of whatever you gotta take care of, how about a party or something?" i asked. he shrugged. "actually going to a party to take care of some business. we leave around noon," he said. i cheered on the inside. this is working out better than i had hoped. ok. i got up and walked over to him. i wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. he grunted. "go ahead. tell me whats wrong," i said. another grunt. "sting said you cant live in the room with me no more," he grunted. seriously?! if another thing goes better than i had hoped then i might just explode. "what?! how come?" i asked. "gotta put you in a secured room with locks and shit while you work. cant risk you gettin kidnapped while im asleep," he grumbled. im sure they wont mind if i leave the window unlocked, right? make it a little easier for my assassins to come get me. i rubbed my face in his back. "dont worry orga. ill still come visit you when im not working," i grumbled. "you better," he grunted. i grinned. sooo much better than i had hoped.


laxus pov

ok. i put on the damn mail man out fit damn short shorts cause its sunny out. got the bag full of stuff. the watch with the tracker in it. ok. i hate work like this. where i gotta dress up and act like im dumb. i sighed. this is a big part of being CIA. its not all bad i guess. get to see chris again at least. shit!! where did that thought come from? i shook my head at the thought. i dont have time for this. i looked at the clock, 9:58 am. ok. he should be expecting me. ok. i made sure i wasn't see coming around the corner on the block of the mansion. ok. i put on a calm front. i can do this. its not that hard. i walked up to the front door. i knocked. a few minutes later chris opened the door. he looked me up and down. "OH MY  GOD LAXUS!!! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN!!! i didn't know you got this route too!!' he shook my hand, passing me a note. i shrugged. "boss been working me non stop lately. is this where you live at now?" i motioned all around. he nodded with a grin. "got a new boyfriend who is loaded on the low but that's not the reason i went with him," orga came to the door in some sweat pants and a tee. "babe, who is this?" he asked. "this is my buddy laxus. he was my mail man when i lived back at the apartment," wow is this guy smooth. he lies like its nothing. orga just nodded. "come on. we gotta get packed," he grumbled. he was about to walked away. "oh wait chris!! i almost forgot the reason i had to know on the door!" i dug the tracker watch out of my mail bag and handed him the box. i pulled out the little scanner and the electronic pen. "i just need a signature on here," i handed him the stuff. he took it and wrote really quickly. he handed it back to me. "thanks buddy. ive been waiting for this to come for weeks. did you get what i asked?" he said. "yeah. its the fancy watch you wanted," i said. he smiled. i backpedaled and waved as he closed the door. i made sure they weren't watching where i was going. i disappeared from sight. i looked at the note.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now