chapter 17

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reader pov

i was in the middle of giving lucy the details she soo desired when orga screamed. i looked over at the bathroom door he and rogue went into a few minutes ago. "are they ok?" asked lucy. i shrugged. "i have no idea," i said. just then, orga came running out the bathroom. he didn't even stop long enough to talk to me. he just tossed me over his shoulder and started out the door. lucy gave me the 'wtf!!' look. i just shrugged. "i guess ill call you later!!" i called as i was carried out the door.

he had such a panicked looked as he tossed me in the back of the limo. "take us back to the house," he grunted and the driver took off. he pulled me into his embrace and tucked me in. he laid down on me, making sure that he covered all of me. more like shielded me from something. "is there something wrong, orga?" i asked. he just grunted as he held me tighter.

we finally pulled into the driveway of the house. as soon as the driver parked, orga got off me and opened the door. he pulled me out and jogged up to the house. i couldn't help but laugh. being carried like this is mega hilarious. he shut and locked the door and took me up to my room. put me on the bed and went around locking all the windows before stepping out the door. "are you gonna say anything?" i asked. " gonna keep you safe, babe," he shut the door and a bunch of locks sounded. i sighed. i guess im in here for the night. looks like he finally got wind of my assassins. too bad im already working on getting rid of them. cobra texted me a while ago talking about getting with sting soon. gildarts should be here in a couple of hours so im actually all good. if anything, orga just made things better by locking me in here. i dont have to worry about him catching me and gildarts. i stripped to my undies. ok. wait.

2 hours later...

i heard that tap on the window. i grinned. i got up out the bed and walked over to the window. i unlocked it and hopped back in bed. the window opened carefully and i heard him step in. i grinned. im glad i kept it dark. he got inside and closed the window carefully. i heard him limping around the room. no where near the bed. my eyes had adjusted to the dark so i could see him rather clearly. i carefully got out of the bed, making sure i made no noise. i walked over and stood behind him. he was grunting. "...damn it...where the fuck is the bed?" he whispered. i grinned. i was about to grab him when i remembered that he is ex military. ill get knocked out for scaring him. i made my way back to the bed. "getting colder..." i whispered eerily. i bounced in the bed. he grunted in surprise. he swung at the air. i giggled. "guess its a good thing i didn't sneak behind you," i whispered.

 he started limping towards my voice. "getting warmer...." i kept saying as he got closer. he felt the edge of the bed. he stripped and got right in. he got under the covers and straddled me. he started grinding on me slowly, letting out low moans as he stroked him self. "you know...." i got hard right under him. he grunted in surprise. " sure it feels a lot better inside you," i whispered seductively. i ran a hand up his chest and pinched a nipple. he gripped my wrist hard. "d-d-dont do t-t-that," he whispered. i grinned. i could tell he was already throbbing. i sat up and started sucking on it. he clenched on me and came. i sucked on his neck as i groped his ass. man does he feel amazing. he let out low moans. he was trying to suppress them. i put my forehead against his. "its ok, gildarts. i know its been a long time. just let loose," i kissed him. he got more aggressive. he gripped my neck, making the kiss deeper. he sucked on my tongue as they wrestled for dominance. i gripped his ass cheek, catching him by surprise. i pinned his tongue to the bottom of his mouth and felt around roughly. i felt cold plastic as his synthetic arm caressed my face. i pulled away. he grunted and reached for me. i stopped him with a finger. i felt his arm down to his elbow. i felt the seam of his fake arm. i tugged at  it till it popped off. i tossed it out the bed. he started kissing me again. i felt down his side to his thigh. i traced it down to his knee. i felt the seam of his fake leg. i pulled it till it popped off. i tossed it out the bed. i kissed on his neck as i ran a finger up and down his crack. he shivered and his breath hitched. i licked two fingers and gently pushed them inside. he grunted and gritted his teeth as i worked them inside. i could feel his heart racing. he started sweating as i worked them inside. he was burning up. he came when i pushed on his spot. " ready...for you," he whispered through pants. i slid my undies off from under him. his good arm wrapped around my neck and he buried his face in my shoulder. i rubbed it against his hole. he clenched. got really tense. "just relax," i whispered. he kissed on my neck as i pushed inside. his breathing sped up. he leaned heavily on me as i pushed it all the way in. he started rolling his hips against me and his grip got tighter. i laid back slowly. he continued to hold my shoulder as i laid all the way back on a pillow. he started riding. slowly at first. deeply, pressing hard down on me. he had his eyes shut and his expression would change from pain to pleasure to discomfort then back to pleasure. his face kept changing as he rode me. i sighed. he is trying to find it again. i could tell from how every time he grazed it, he would smile warmly. i gripped his waist. he leaned down and kissed me as i rolled on top. he wrapped his arm back around my neck and spread his thighs as far as he could. i shifted the angle to where his spot is and thrusted in deeply. he clenched, becoming tighter around me as he came. i grinned. i started thrusting.

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